Browsing by Author Alameddine, Abdulmonhem

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Showing results 86 to 105 of 293 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Face recognition using a fourier polar based approachIshac, Dany; Yammine, Grace; Abche, Antoine 
2009A Fair QoS-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for a Time-Slotted Optical OV-CDMA Network : A Unified ApproachInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul; Shalaby, Hossam M. H.
2008A Fast approach for ultrasound image reconstructionAbche, Antoine ; Maalouf, Aldo; Karam, Elie 
2017Feature selection for an improved Parkinson's disease identification based on handwritingTaleb, Catherine; Khachab, Maha ; Mokbel, Chafic 
2012Features for HMM-based arabic handwritten word recognition systemsLikforman-Sulem, Laurence; Hajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Mokbel, Chafic ; Menasri, Fares; Bernard, Anne-Laure Bianne; Kermorvant, Christopher
2007A finite state markov chain-based umbrella cell channel model for fast mobile usersInaty, Elie 
2019FPGA design of spatially modulated single-input-multiple-output signals in 5G diversity receiversAyoubi, Rafic ; Daba, Jihad S. 
2017FPGA hardware architecture for stereoscopic image compression based on block matching, watermarking and hamming codeAkkad, Ghattas ; Hassan, Moustapha El ; Ayoubi, Rafic 
2007An FPGA implementation of a high resolution phase shift beamformerAbche, Antoine ; Maalouf, Aldo; Ayoubi, Rafic ; Karam, Elie ; Alameddine, Abdulmonhem 
2007FPGA implementation of a novel receiver diversity combining technique for wireless SIMO systemsAyoubi, Rafic ; Daba, Jihad S. ; Abdul-Latif, Omar M.
2010FPGA implementation of generalized maximal ratio combining receiver diversityAyoubi, Rafic ; Daba, Jihad S. ; Minkara, Rania
2019FPGA realization of MRC with optimized exponent for adaptive array antennasAyoubi, Rafic ; Daba, Jihad S. ; Berjaoui, Samir
2006FPGA-based transmitter-receiver architecture of an overlapped FFH-CDMA system : design and simulationInaty, Elie ; Ayoubi, Rafic 
2012Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm for voltage stability in large power systemsKhaldi, Mohamad ; Khoury, Christine S.; Naim, Guy
2010Generalized maximal ratio combining as a supra-optimal receiver diversity schemeDaba, Jihad S. ; Minkara, Rania; Ayoubi, Rafic 
2012GSM position tracking using a kalman filterDaba, Jihad S. ; Nader, Manal ; Ferekh, C. El
2018Handwriting recognition of historical documents with few labeled dataChammas, Edgar; Mokbel, Chafic ; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence
2014Handwriting-OOV word-recognition using web resourcesOprean, Cristina; Mokbel, Chafic ; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence; Popescu, Adrian
2013Handwritten word preprocessing for database adaptationOprean, Cristina; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence; Mokbel, Chafic 
2015Handwritten word recognition using web resources and recurrent neural networksOprean, Cristina; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence; Popescu, Adrian; Mokbel, Chafic