Department of Business Management and Administration

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Public sector employees' motivation: causes and effectsSerhan, Carole ; Achy, Eliane Al; Nicolas, Eva
2019Predicting perceived NGOs performance in Lebanon: an econometric approachDagher, Walid 
2020Nudging customers to engage in loyal behaviour with reference to supermarkets/hypermarkets in LebanonCharbaji, Suzanne A.; Jibai, Fadi; Dagher, Walid 
2016The inclusion of labor market conditions in a proposed modeling framework for fresh graduates retentionSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
2019The impact of leadership on organizational learning via CSR and organizational innovativeness in lebanese SMEsCharbaji, Suzanne A.; Dagher, Walid 
2019The impact of food service attributes on customer satisfaction in a rural university campus environmentSerhan, Mireille ; Serhan, Carole 
2016Fresh graduates retention: a review of literatureSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini; Bengoa, Dolores Sanchez; Makdessi, Selim
2016Foreign direct investment in LebanonAtala, Issam; Dagher, Walid ; Chebib, Nadine
2018Corporate social responsibility practices in the aviation industrySerhan, Carole ; Abboud, Palmera; Shahoud, Rebecca
2016Le Risque de crédit et la rentabilité bancaire - cas de la « bank of Beirut »Serhan, Carole ; Ibrahim, Nagham; Dankour, Rana
2019Exploring the lebanese consumers understanding of milk products and non-dairy alternatives: findings in a developing countrySerhan, Mireille ; Serhan, Carole 
2018Predicting NGOs' performance in Lebanon: an econometric approachDagher, Walid ; Charbaji, Suzanne A.
2018The impact of Syrian refugees' crisis on the Lebanese labor market: the case of AkkarDagher, Walid 
2017Development of a theoretical framework for retaining fresh graduates through job satisfactionSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
2017Banking secrecy and anti-money laundering: case study of lebanese banksSerhan, Carole ; Mikhael, Sandy; El Warrak, Silvana
2015Retention of fresh graduates: identification of determinant factors through a modified job characteristics modelSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
2016Modeling the effect of core job dimensions and labor market conditions on fresh graduates retentionSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
2020The impact of revolution 17 October and COVID-19 on employees' performances: case of Lebanese banksDagher, Walid ; Nasrallah, Pascal; Shahoud, Roland
2019Impact of corporate social responsibility on clients' purchasing decision: case of aviation industry in LebanonSerhan, Carole ; Abboud, Palmera; Shahoud, Rebecca
2019Development of successors' entrepreneurial competencies in family businesses: evidence from LebanonSerhan, Carole ; Nader, Rami; Gereige, Wiliam
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 41