Browsing by Author Dagher, Issam

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 198  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Aeronautical engineering: a new paradigm for educationNahas, Georges N.
2011Balconies: a mediterranean memoir by Mishka Mojabber MouraniKhairallah, Megan R. 
2015A case study on UTAUT and innovationMelki, Antoine ; Nicolas, Maureen O'Day ; Khairallah, Megan R. ; Adra, Omar M. 
2009Champs conceptuels et vécu scolaire : une révolution?Nahas, Georges N.
2020Co-constructed rubrics and assessment for learning: the impact on middle school students attitudes and writing skillsAbdul Ghaffar, May; Khairallah, Megan R. ; Salloum, Sara 
2006Cognition et expérience dans un espace virtuelNahas, Georges N.
2005The cognitive approach as a basis for enhanced curriculaNahas, Georges N.
26-Aug-2023Cognitive Presence as a Catalyst for Creating a Community of Inquiry in Online Learning: Insights from a Lebanese Higher Education ContextZgheib, Ghania ; Salloum, Sara ; Azar, Mathilde 
2010Communication et education dans l'espace ecclésialNahas, Georges N.
2009Community service and scholarship: prospects and challenges for lebanese engineering institutionsJadayel, Oussama Chafiq; Nahas, Georges N.
Jul-1995Compréhension et Communication entre 5 ans et 5.9Nahas, Georges N.
2016Conceptualisation et langue d'enseignementNahas, Georges N.
2012Conclusion: John the damascene a permanent yet variable presence in the churchNahas, Georges N.
2008Construire une identité: pour l'autre ou contre lui, rôle de l'éducationNahas, Georges N.
Oct-2023A contextual approach for exploring faculty readiness to teach onlineZgheib, Ghania ; Daia, Roula Al ; Serhan, Mireille 
2018Contradictions and congruence in multi-lingual science classrooms: an activity theory perspectiveBou Jaoude, Saouma; Salloum, Sara 
27-Jan-2022Current teaching methods in STEM departments – a road map for fundamental university educational reform: evidence from LebanonSabat, Mira ; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Kanaan, Amjad ; Salloum, Sara ; Serhan, Mireille ; Fares, Roula ; Haddad, Nicolas K. ; Melki, Antoine 
2017Development of an analytical framework for interaction analysis in multilingual science classroomsBou Jaoude, Saouma; Salloum, Sara 
2019Développer les compétences communicationnelles au supérieur avec le Pecha Kucha: le point de vue des étudiantsSoufi, Aida 
1994Didactique des mathématiques au primaireNahas, Georges N.