Browsing by Author Semaan, Nabil

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Showing results 70 to 89 of 98 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Project definition rating index application to Lebanese building projectsMoubayed, Sami; Hamzeh, Tarek
2023Quantitative measurable model of employee satisfaction indexIsrawi, Shireen Al
2020Retrofit decision model for existing old structuresTamer, Jad; Khoury, Sami Al
2023Revolutionizing contractor selection : a new approachSaadeddine, Jad
2018The rural road diagnosis indexSemaan, Nabil 
2013Rural road diagnosis index RRDI condition assessment modelNakhoul, Catherine; Hawli, Rita
2014Safety analysis and risk evaluation of the construction sites in Koura districtMawad, Antonios; Sawda, Jad El
2021Selection of engineering consulting firms using multi criteria decision making methodsGeorges, Marie Belle
2023Selection of the best biodiesel blend among existing studies using AHP topsis approachFarah, Yorgo
2018Sizing optimization for minimum cost of underground water tanksTamer, Alain; Haidar, Moufid
2013Smartphones warNaji, Houda; Kheir, Issa
2015Stakeholder impact on cost contingency model (SICC)Sarkis, Sandy
2015Stakeholder impacted cost contingency model (SICC)Semaan, Nabil ; Sarkis, Sandy
2016Stochastic analysis of ready mix concrete batch plant in Kfarshima, LebanonSemaan, Nabil 
2021A stochastic detailed cyclone model for simulation of the jackhammer and the evaluation of productivityMaroun, Khalil
2019A stochastic detailed scheduling model for periodic maintenance of military rotorcraftSemaan, Nabil ; Yehia, Nabhan
2012A stochastic diagnosis model for subway systemsSemaan, Nabil 
2010A stochastic diagnostic model for subway stationsSemaan, Nabil ; Zayed, Tarek
2016Stochastic productivity analysis of ready mix concrete batch plant in Kfarshima, LebanonSemaan, Nabil 
2011Structural performance model for subway networksSemaan, Nabil