Browsing by Author Karam, Elie

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Showing results 854 to 873 of 874 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Validation into Arabic versions of Dementia Rating Scales, Dementia Caregivers Scales, and Dementia Research InstrumentsKaram, Georges Elie; Khandakji, Mohannad Nawaf; Sahakian, Nayri Sarkis; Dandan, Jessica Christian; Karam, Elie G.
2017Validation of asthma control questionnaire and risk factors affecting uncontrolled asthma among the Lebanese children's populationHallit, Souheil; Raherison, Chantal; Waked, Mirna; Salameh, Pascale
2018Validation of geriatric depression and anxiety rating scales into ArabicKaram, Georges Elie; Khandakji, Mohannad Nawaf; Sahakian, Nayri Sarkis; Dandan, Jessica Christian; Karam, Elie G.
2019Validation of the mini pediatric asthma quality of life questionnaire and identification of risk factors affecting quality of life among Lebanese childrenHallit, Souheil; Raherison, Chantal; Waked, Mirna; Hallit, Rabih; Layoun, Nelly; Salameh, Pascale
2019Validation of the St George's respiratory questionnaire and risks factors affecting the quality of life of Lebanese COPD and asthma patientsAkiki, Zeina; Hallit, Souheil; Layoun, Nelly; Cherfane, Michelle; Sacre, Hala; Waked, Mirna; Salameh, Pascale
2018Valorisation d’un mâchefer d’incinération de déchets non dangereux en substitution du sable dans des mortiers de ciments portland et sulfo-alumineuxAntooun, Marc; Aouad, Georges ; BecquartB, Frédéric; Saba, Marianne ; Gerges, Najib N. 
2015Valproate-induced enuresis: a prospective studyYamak, Wissam R; Hmaimess, Ghassan; Makke, Yamane; Sabbagh, Sandra; Arabi, Maher; Beydoun, Ahmad; Nasreddine, Wassim
2010Vascular at-risk genotypes and disease severity in Lebanese sickle cell disease patientsFarra, Chantal; Zahed, Laila ; Nietert, Paul J.; Hourani, Hala; Jradi, Oussama; Inati, Adlette; Mahfouz, Rami; Abboud, Miguel; Oberkanins, Christian
20-Jan-2023VEGF-A: A Novel Mechanistic Link Between CYP2C-Derived EETs and Nox4 in Diabetic Kidney DiseaseNjeim, Rachel; Braych, Kawthar; Ghadieh, Hilda ; Azar, Nadim S.; Azar, William S.; Dia, Batoul; Leone, Angelo; Cappello, Francesco; Kfoury, Hala; Harb, Frederic ; Jurjus, Abdo R.; Eid, Assaad A.; Ziyadeh, Fuad N.
2019VEGF-C attenuates renal damage in salt-sensitive hypertensionBeaini, Shadia; Saliba, Youakim; Hajal, Joelle; Smayra, Viviane; Bakhos, Jules-Joel; Joubran, Najat; Chelala, Dania; Fares, Nassim
28-May-2024Ventricular Assist Devices During an Economical Collapse: Challenges and OutcomesMassouh, Angela; Skouri, Hadi
2020Visual Dermatology: Cobblestone Skin, Angioid Streaks, and Gastrointestinal HemorrhageHaber, Rober; Salloum, Antoine; El Gemayel, Maria
1-Jan-2019Visual representation of online handwriting time series for deep learning Parkinson’s disease detectionTaleb, Catherine; Khachab, Maha ; Mokbel, Chafic ; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence
2015Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in Africa and the Middle East, despite year-round sunny daysGreen, R J; Samy, G; Miqdady, M S; El-Hodhod, M; Akinyinka, O O; Saleh, G; Haddad, Joseph; Alsaedi, S A; Mersal, A Y; Edris, A; Salah, M
2009Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms modulate the skeletal response to vitamin D supplementation in healthy girlsArabi, Asma; Zahed, Laila ; Mahfoud, Ziyad; Onsi, Lina El; Nabulsi, Mona; Maalouf, Joyce; Hajj Fuleihan , Ghada El
Feb-2023War exposure, post-traumatic stress symptoms and hair cortisol concentrations in Syrian refugee childrenSmeeth, Demelza; McEwen, Fiona S; Popham, Cassandra M; Karam, Elie G; Fayyad, John; Saab, Dahlia; Rieder, Michael J; Elzagallaai, Abdelbaset A; van Uum, Stan; Pluess, Michael
2020Weight Regain After Gastric Plication: Reoperative Sleeve Gastrectomy or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass?-Analysis of 116 Consecutive CasesChahine, Elias; Alkandari, Mubarak; De Simone, Belinda; Dirani, Mazen; D'alessandro, Antonio; Saikaly, Elias; Gumbs, Andrew; Cartillone, Maria Cristina; Crispo, Luigi; Chouillard, Marc Anthony; Kassir, Radwan; Chouillard, Elie
1-Jan-2016What is the health status of institutionalized elderly in Lebanon? A preliminary cross-sectional national surveyEl-Hayeck, Rita; Boulos, Christa; Sahyoun, Francois; Bassil, Nazem; Jalloul, Salam; Beainy, Chawkat; Baddoura, Rafic
2021When Should a Brain MRI Be Performed in Children with New-Onset Seizures? Results of a Large Prospective TrialHourani, R; Nasreddine, W; Dirani, M; Hmaimess, Ghassan; Sabbagh, S; El Tourjuman, O; Wazne, J; Toufaili, H; AlArab, N; El Dassouki, M; Beydoun, A
25-Oct-2024A woman with mycosis fungoides, vitiligo, and a new hand noduleFeghali, Joelle; Lavin, Leore; Ng, Spencer; Linos, Konstantinos; Geller, Shamir