Institute of Theology

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 159
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The Care of the Suffering in Luke-ActsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
22-Nov-2024The Pursuit of Happiness down from Jerusalem: The Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Light of the KingdomAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2024ذكَرًا وَأُنْثَى خَلَقَهُمَا: هويّة الإنسان أمام طروحات معاصرةناصيف، بسام 
12-Jun-2024O Mistério do Casamento entre a Desconstrução: Um diálogo entre a antropologia ortodoxa e perspectivas pós-modernasNassif, Bassam A. 
2006Abraham in the Epistle of St Paul to the RomansArchimandrite Jack Khalil 
16-Jul-2021Faith and JustificationArchimandrite Jack Khalil 
2004النبوَّة في العهد القديم والنبوَّة في بلاد ما بين النهرينالأرشمندريت جاك خليل 
2023البدء والكلمة: حجج جديدة تدعم تطابق معنى المصطلحين في 1 يو 1:1 وفي مقدّمة الإنجيل بحسب يوحنّاالأرشمندريت جاك خليل 
2024الفرح العظيم في العمل اللوقاويّالأرشمندريت جاك خليل 
Jul-2024"أرض الغُربة" في سفر حزقيال النبيّ.Archimandrite Youhanna El Mecherki 
Sep-2024From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-ActsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
Jul-2024The Gospel of Luke’s Narrative. Its Main Features and FoundationsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2024The Vision of Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch about the Diaspora. A Thematic Survey and An Analysis of His Homilies and PublicationsAyuch, Daniel 
2023The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2:29-32. Its Narrative Context and TheologyAyuch, Daniel 
2022From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the SyrianNassif, Bassam A. 
2022Saint Maximus’ Perspective of Gender and the Experience of SaintsNassif, Bassam A. 
2022Earthly Angels and Heavenly Humans: Revisiting Gender in Christian AnthropologyNassif, Bassam A. 
2023Anthropological Reflections on Marital IntimacyNassif, Bassam A. 
2023Taina-casatorieiNassif, Bassam A. 
2021A Historic-Critical Reading of the Women Books in the Old Testament: Ruth, Esther, and JudithAyuch, Daniel 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 159