Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 166
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
26-Jan-2015 | Review on different charging techniques of a lithium polymer battery | Fattal, Jade; Dib, Paul Bou; Karami, Nabil |
26-Jan-2015 | Nickel Metal Hydride battery: Structure, chemical reaction, and circuit model | Tarabay, Jihad; Karami, Nabil |
26-Jan-2015 | Battery equivalent circuits and brief summary of components value determination of lithium ion: A review | Wehbe, Johnny; Karami, Nabil |
2016 | Modelling of low velocity impacts on unidirectional composite laminates using a semi-continuous strategy | Mahmoud, Bassam; Torrecilla, Marcos Colungo; Navarro, Pablo; Marguet, Steven; Tawk, Issam; Ferrero, Jean-Francois |
2-Jan-2016 | Uniform Stability in Nonlinear Infinite Delay Volterra Integro-differential Equations Using Lyapunov Functionals | Raffoul, Youssef; Rai, Habib |
2017 | Optimization of mechanism boundary lubrication in fully formulated commercial engine oil using design of experiment | Nehme, Gabi ; Dib, Micheline |
25-Oct-2022 | Analysis of acoustic radiation of rectangular wooden panels made of spruce, maple and cherry wood | Göken, J.; Saba, Nicolas ; Anžel, I. |
2019 | On multiple inhomogeneities in plane elasticity | Honein, Elie ; Najjar, Michel; Honein, Tony; Rai, Habib |
21-Feb-2022 | OLS Modeling Using GIS for Aviation Safety Within a Challenging Topographic and Urban Neighborhood: The Case of Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport | Iaaly, Amal ; Alhassanieh, Nael; Nassar, Michelle; Jadayel, Oussama; Aouad, Angele |
Jan-2022 | Measurements of Acoustic Radiation of Tonewood Spruce at Different Clamping Loads | Göken, J.; Saba, Nicolas ; Steinhoff, K. |
28-Jan-2022 | Assessment of Seawater Intrusion in a Coastline City Using GIS (Tripoli Lebanon) | Saba, Marianne ; Iaaly, Amal ; Gerges, Najib N. |
2021 | OLS modeling using GIS for aviation safety within a challenging topographic and urban neighborhood: the case of Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport | Alhassanieh, Nael; Nassar, Michelle; Aouad, Angele; Jadayel, Oussama; Iaaly, Amal |
2022 | Experimental study of bulletproof concrete | Tawk, Issam ; Semaani, Eddy; Aouad, Georges |
2021 | Environmental occurrence, spatial distribution, and source identification of PAHs in surface and groundwater samples of Abou Ali River-North Lebanon | Jabali, Yasmine ; Iaaly, Amal ; Millet, Maurice |
2021 | Development of a hybrid element to model intralaminar damage in thick composite plates under impact loading | Manseri, L.; Navarro, P.; Dorival, O.; Marguet, S.; Mahmoud, Bassam; Ferrero, J. F. |
2021 | A GIS multiple criteria decision approach using AHP for solar power plant: the case of North Lebanon | Iaaly, Amal ; Karami, Nabil; Khayat, Nachaat |
Aug-2023 | Investigation of bulk density and friction coefficient of olive residues and sawdust prior to pelletizing | Ayla Abou Haidar; Rishmany, Jihad |
2020 | Damping behaviour analysis of 3d printed samples with pores | Goken, J; Saba, Nicolas |
2009 | Waste sorting and miniaturization on the domestic scale | Rishmany, Jihad ; Gedeon, Pierre |
2014 | Using BCIS (brain computer interfaces) to evaluate emotional perception of passenger cabin design in virtual environments | De Crescenzio, Francesca; Lucchi, Francesca; Mezannar, Nay ; Persiani, Franco |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 166