Browsing by Author Alameddine, Abdulmonhem

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Showing results 133 to 152 of 292 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Least square-SVM detector for wireless BPSK in multi-environmental noiseDaba, Jihad S. ; Abdul-Latif, Omar M.
2003Left ventricular hypertrophy modified modelKaram, Elie ; Drzewieck, Gary M; Abche, Antoine 
2006Left ventricular model to study the combined viscoelastic, heart rate, and size effectsKaram, Elie ; Abche, Antoine 
2006Left ventricular model using second-order electromechanical coupling: effects of viscoelastic dampingKaram, Elie ; Abche, Antoine 
2008LS-SVM detector for RMSGC diversity in SIMO channelsAbdul-Latif, Omar M.; Daba, Jihad S. 
2006A MAC protocol based on a S-ALOHA/overlapped CDMA system supporting multirate applicationsRaad, Robert; Inaty, Elie 
2008MAC protocols for multirate OV-CDMA system in optical packet Network: a comparative approachInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul; Shalaby, Hossam M. H.
2002Matlab Knowledge-Based Expert System for Voltage Control in an Interconnected Power NetworkKhaldi, Mohamad 
2013Matlab-based small scale helicopter simulatorkSalloum, Ibrahim; Ayoubi, A.; Khaldi, Mohamad 
2008Mechanisms of Internet Security AttacksDaba, Jihad S. ; Jreije, Philip
2009MEDAR : Arabic language technology, state-of-the-art and a cooperation roadmapMaegaard, Bente; Atiyya, Mohammed; Choukri, Khalid; Krauwer, Steven; Mokbel, Chafic ; Yaseen, Mustafa
2008MEDAR : Collaboration between European and Mediterranean Arabic partners to support the development of language technology for ArabicMaegaard, Bente; Atiyya, Mohammed; Choukri, Khalid; Krauwer, Steven; Mokbel, Chafic ; Yaseen, Mustafa
2011Medical image transmission over multi core optical fiber using two stages CDMA techniqueInaty, Elie ; Karam, Elie 
2008Method for improving ladder bulk acoustic wave filters rejectionShirakawa, Alexandre.A; Hassan, Moustapha El ; Pham, Jean-Marie; Jarry, Pierre; Kerherve, Eric; David, Jean-Baptiste; Dumont, Fabien; Belot, Didier
2015A methodology to enhance the convergence of output error identification algorithmsTohme, Elie Toni; Ouvrard, Regis; Abche, Antoine ; Trigeassou, Jean Claude; Poinot, Thierry; Mercère, Guillaume
2017Microcontroller system design using PIC18F processorsHaddad, Nicolas K. 
2018Minutiae and corner detection in fingerprints without image enhancement for real time recognitionNachar, Rabih ; Inaty, Elie ; Bonnin, Patrick J; Alayli, Yasser
2008A Mixed Ladder-Lattice Bulk Acoustic Wave Duplexer for W-CDMA HandsetsShirakawa, Alexandre.A; David, J.B.; Vicent , P; Hassan, Moustapha El ; Kerherve, Eric; Cathelin, Andreia
1993The modal performance measure for parameter optimization of power system stabilizersKhaldi, Mohamad ; Sarkar, A.K; Lee, K.Y; Park, Y.M
2008Model based on the reinitialised partial moments for initialising output-error identification methodsOuvrard, Regis; Tohme, Elie Toni; Poinot, Thierry; Abche, Antoine