Browsing by Author Alameddine, Abdulmonhem

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Showing results 35 to 54 of 293 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Case study: wirelesshart Vs zigbee networkHabib, Gilbert; Haddad, Nicolas K. ; Khoury, Ralph El
2012CDMA based dynamic bandwidth allocation (CDBA) scheme for EPONInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul
2018A CDMA-based dynamic power and bandwidth allocation (DPBA) scheme for multiclass EPONInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert
1999Characterization of arabic musical instruments : the oudJadayel, Oussama Chafiq; Abche, Antoine ; Karam, Elie ; Ahdab, Ahmad; Alameddine, Mohammad; Merhy, A
2007Classification of contrast ultrasound images using autoregressive model coupled to gaussian mixture modelGhazal, Bilal; Khachab, Maha ; Cachard, Christian; Friboulet, Denis; Mokbel, Chafic 
2018Classification of contrast ultrasound images: improvement of the GMM using gaussian filterGhazal, Bilal; Khachab, Maha ; Cachard, Christian; Friboulet, Denis; Mokbel, Chafic 
2011Co-design for tunability of a bulk acoustic wave filters with 65nm CMOS switchBaraka, Kamal; Kerherve, Eric; Pham, Jean-Marie; Hassan, Moustapha El 
2012Code division multiple access enabled dynamic bandwidth allocation (CDBA) scheme for EPONInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul; Maier, Martin
2007Collision detection for virtual arthroscopic surgical simulationYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2007Collision detection in computer simulations for wrist arthroscopic surgery trainingYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2008Combinaison de classifieurs HMMs à fenêtres symétriques et asymétriques pour la reconnaissance de mots manuscrits arabesHajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Mokbel, Chafic ; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence
2007Combination of HMM-based classifiers for the recognition of arabic handwritten wordsHajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Mokbel, Chafic ; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence
2009Combining slanted-frame classifiers for improved HMM-based Arabic handwriting recognitionHajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence; Mokbel, Chafic 
2004Comparison of 3-D image registration methods using external markersAbche, Antoine ; Tzanakos, Georges; Micheli-Tzanakou, E.
2000Comparison of 3-D multimodal registration techniques using external markersAbche, Antoine ; Tzanakos, Georges; Micheli-Tzanakou, E.
2015Compression techniques for medical images transmission over multi core optical fiber using CDMAAbche, Antoine ; Salam, Alaa; Inaty, Elie ; Karam, Elie 
2007Computer-based surgical simulation For students trainingYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2008Computer-based training system for simulating wrist arthroscopyYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2002Congestion control mechanism of ATM traffic using leaky bucket VP shapingDaba, Jihad S. 
2019Constant time hardware architecture for a gaussian smoothing filterAkkad, Ghattas ; Ayoubi, Rafic ; Abche, Antoine