Browsing by Author Karam, Elie

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Showing results 392 to 411 of 874 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-May-2024Hair hormone data from Syrian refugee children: Perspectives from a two-year longitudinal studyMay, Andrew K.; Smeeth, Demelza; McEwen, Fiona; Moghames, Patricia; Karam, Elie G.; Rieder, Michael J.; Elzagallaai, Abdelbaset A.; van Uum, Stan; Pluess, Michael
22-Feb-2024HDL levels modulate the impact of type 2 diabetes susceptibility alleles in older adultsSullivan, Siobhán O '; Al Hageh, Cynthia; Henschel, Andreas; Chacar, Stephanie; Abchee, Antoine; Zalloua, Pierre; Nader, Moni
2009Health care worker perceptions of hand hygiene practices and obstacles in a developing regionBorg, Michael A.; Benbachir, Mohamed; Cookson, Barry D; Redjeb, SaidaBen; Nasser, Ziad El; Rasslan, Ossama; Gür, Deniz; Daoud, Ziad; Bagatzoun, Despo Pieridou
2022Hepatic granuloma mimicking recurrent lymphoma on 18F-FDG PET/CT in a patient with primary mediastinal diffuse large B-cell lymphomaAkkawi, Abdul Rahman; Ezzeddine, Lynn; Chahinian, Rita; Ershaid, Firas; Merheb, Diala; Mzeihem, Majd; El-Cheikh, Jean; Haidar, Mohamad
23-Apr-2024Hepatitis A virus induced acute acalculous cholecystitis diagnosed postoperatively: Case reportTabbikha, Omar; Dasuki, Mahmoud; Kanaan, Anthony; Ali, Bader; Hadeer, Ribal Aby; Wakim, Raja
2016Hepatoblastoma in childhood, long term survival achieved: 2 case reports and literature reviewEl Asmar, Antoine; El Rassi, Ziad
Nov-2022Heritable cancer predisposition testing in pediatric cancer patients excluding retinoblastoma in a middle-income countryEl Khatib, Omar; Yahya, Yasser; Mahfouz, Rami; Hamadeh, Lama; Basbous, Maya; Abboud, Miguel R; Muwakkit, Samar; Rodriguez-Galindo, Carlos; Jeha, Sima; Saab, Raya
1-Jan-2024Herpes simplex virus hepatitis in immunocompetent sexually active patient: Case reportSalem, Johny; Hamdan, Ali; Mitri, Samia; Tabcheh, Ayman; Hani, Pierre
2021A hidden cause of oxalate nephropathy: a case reportMahmoud, Tala; Ghandour, Elias C; Jaar, Bernard G
2016HIF-1α, MMP-1 & MMP-9: a prognostic tool for early breast cancer detectionEl-khatib, Ghina; Antoun, Stephanie; Salloum, Elias; Irani, Jihad; Anastasiades, Elie; Ghandour, F; Hajj, Imad H. El; Chalhoub, Elias
Mar-2017High levels of virological failure with major genotypic resistance mutations in HIV-1-infected children after 5 years of care according to WHO-recommended 1st-line and 2nd-line antiretroviral regimens in the Central African Republic: A cross-sectional studyMossoro-Kpinde, Christian Diamant; Gody, Jean-Chrysostome; Mboumba Bouassa, Ralph-Sydney; Mbitikon, Olivia; Jenabian, Mohammad-Ali; Robin, Leman; Matta, Mathieu; Zeitouni, Kamal; Longo, Jean De Dieu; Costiniuk, Cecilia; Grésenguet, Gérard; Touré Kane, Ndèye Coumba; Bélec, Laurent
2020Higher sensitivity provided by the combination of two lateral flow immunoassay tests for the detection of COVID-19 immunoglobulinsDaoud, Ziad; Mcleod, Jesse; Stockman, David L.
2018Histamine, paroxysmal AV block and low adenosine syncope a case reportWansa, Nader; Goethals, Peter; DeRoy, Luc
2015Historical epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in select countries - volume 3Liakina, V; Hamid, S; Tanaka, J; Olafsson, S; Sharara, A I; Alavian, S M; Gheorghe, L; El Hassan, E S; Abaalkhail, F; Abbas, Z; Abdou, A; Abourached, A; Al Braiki, F; Al Hosani, F; Al Jaberi, K; Al Khatry, M; Al Mulla, M A; Al Quraishi, H; Al Rifai, A; Al Serkal, Y; Alam, A; Alashgar, H I; Alawadhi, S; Al-Dabal, L; Aldins, P; Alfaleh, F Z; Alghamdi, A S; Al-Hakeem, R; Aljumah, A A; Almessabi, A; Alqutub, A N; Alswat, K A; Altraif, I; Alzaabi, M; Andrea, N; Assiri, A M; Babatin, M A; Baqir, A; Barakat, M T; Bergmann, O M; Bizri, A R; Blach, S; Chaudhry, A; Choi, M S; Diab, T; Djauzi, S; El Khoury, S; Estes, C; Fakhry, S; Farooqi, J I; Fridjonsdottir, H; Gani, R A; Ghafoor Khan, A; Goldis, A; Gottfredsson, M; Gregorcic, S; Hajarizadeh, B; Han, K H; Hasan, I; Hashim, A; Horvath, G; Hunyady, B; Husni, R; Jafri, W; Jeruma, A; Jonasson, J G; Karlsdottir, B; Kim, D Y; Kim, Y S; Koutoubi, Z; Lesmana, L A; Lim, Y S; Löve, A; Maimets, M; Makara, M; Malekzadeh, R; Matičič, M; Memon, M S; Merat, S; Mokhbat, J E; Mourad, F H; Muljono, D H; Nawaz, A; Nugrahini, N; Priohutomo, S; Qureshi, H; Rassam, P; Razavi, H; Razavi-Shearer, D; Razavi-Shearer, K; Rozentale, B; Sadik, M; Saeed, K; Salamat, A; Salupere, R; Sanai, F M; Sanityoso Sulaiman, A; Sayegh, R A; Schmelzer, J D; Sibley, A; Siddiq, M; Siddiqui, A M; Sigmundsdottir, G; Sigurdardottir, B; Speiciene, D; Sulaiman, A; Sultan, M A; Taha, M; Tarifi, H; Tayyab, G; Tolmane, I; Ud Din, M; Umar, M; Valantinas, J; Videčnik-Zorman, J; Yaghi, C; Yunihastuti, E; Yusuf, M A; Zuberi, B F; Gunter, J
2016How Stable are Temperaments in the Clinical Setting: A Pilot StudyKaram, Elie G; El Khoury, Elaine; Itani, Lynn
22-May-2024How to tackle therapeutic inertia in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. A scientific statement of the Heart Failure Association of the ESCSavarese, Gianluigi; Lindberg, Felix; Cannata, Antonio; Chioncel, Ovidiu; Stolfo, Davide; Musella, Francesca; Tomasoni, Daniela; Abdelhamid, Magdy; Banerjee, Debasish; Bayes-Genis, Antoni; Berthelot, Emmanuelle; Braunschweig, Frieder; Coats, Andrew J S; Girerd, Nicolas; Jankowska, Ewa A; Hill, Loreena; Lainscak, Mitja; Lopatin, Yury; Lund, Lars H; Maggioni, Aldo P; Moura, Brenda; Rakisheva, Amina; Ray, Robin; Seferovic, Petar M; Skouri, Hadi; Vitale, Cristiana; Volterrani, Maurizio; Metra, Marco; Rosano, Giuseppe M C
17-Mar-2022Hydrophilic Lens Opacification after Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Injections: A Case SeriesWahab, Charbel; Ayash, Jad; Sayegh, Kevin; Sammouh, Fady; Warrak, Elias L.
1-Jan-2024Hydroxychloroquine and the associated risk of arrhythmiasFarhat, Hadi; Kassab, Celine J.; Tlaiss, Yehya; Gutlapalli, Sai Dheeraj; Ganipineni, Vijay Durga Pradeep; Paramsothy, Jananthan; Tedesco, Sarah; Kailayanathan, Tharunjan; Abdulaal, Razan; Otterbeck, Philip
2005Hydroxynonenal and uncoupling proteins : a model for protection against oxidative damageEchtay, Karim ; Pakay, Julian L.; Esteves, Telma C.; Brand, Martin D
2020Hyperventilation-induced high-amplitude rhythmic slowing: A mimicker of absence seizures in childrenNasreddine, Wassim; Fakhredin, Maya; Makke, Yamane; Hmaimess, Ghassan; Sabbagh, Sandra; Beaini, Shawkat; El Tourjuman, Oulfat; Beydoun, Ahmad