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Title: Taking the microcontrollers lab online: Lessons learned
Authors: Karam, Katia
Salem, Michael 
Affiliations: Department of Electrical Engineering 
Keywords: COVID-19
Distance learning
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Part of: IEEE Potentials
Volume: 40
Issue: 5
Start page: 21
End page: 26
On 3 March 2020, the Lebanese government declared a state of health emergency and general mobilization, imposing a total lockdown to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic with the discovery of the first few cases in Lebanon. This was unchartered territory for everyone in the current modern era. Faced with the sudden disruption, Lebanese higher-education institutions, like their counterparts around the world, faced the challenge of relying on full online teaching overnight-urgently and without preparation in Lebanon, for sure, and many other nations worldwide.
ISSN: 02786648
DOI: 10.1109/MPOT.2021.3091115
Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Department of Electrical Engineering

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