Browsing by Author Gerges, Najib N

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Showing results 152 to 171 of 200 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Responsible research conductAbdel-Massih, Roula; Kassab, Rima ; Yammine, Paolo 
1-Jan-2023Review on the contribution of ultrasounds in layered double hydroxides synthesis and in their performancesKalawoun, Hamed; Obeid, Michel; Ciotonea, Carmen; Chaghouri, Muriel; Poupin, Christophe; Aouad, Samer ; Labaki, Madona; Gennequin, Cédric; Abi-Aad, Edmond; Delattre, François
2018A review on the dry reforming processes for hydrogen production: catalytic materials and technologiesAouad, Samer ; Labaki, Madona; Ojala, Satu; Seelam, Prem; Turpeinen, Esa; Gennequin, Cédric; Estephane, Jane ; Abi Aad, Edmond
2016The role of lanthanum in NiMgAlLa hydrotalcite catalysts used in the dry reforming of methaneDahdah, Eliane; Abou Rached, Jihane; Estephane, Jane ; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; AbouKais, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2021The role of rehydration in enhancing the basic properties of Mg–Al hydrotalcites for biodiesel productionDahdah, Eliane; Estephane, Jane ; Taleb, Yasmine; Khoury, Bilal El ; Nakat, John ; Aouad, Samer 
2015Screening and chemical identification of antimicrobial compounds produced by bacteria isolated from Lebanese soil samplesYouness, Richard; Dabboussi, Fouad; Beyrouthy, M. El; Aouad, Samer ; Debs, Esperance 
2008Self-supported semi-interpenetrating polymer networks for new design of electrochromic devicesTran-Van, François; Beouch, Layal; Vidal, Fredric; Yammine, Paolo ; Teyssié , Dominique; Chevrot, Claude
2016Separation of racemate hydrophobic thiourea substratesHassan, Inas EL; Houmaissi, Fatme; Bouchekara, Mohammad; Nakat, Hanna El ; Omar, Fawaz El; Allouch, Ahmad
2009Simultaneous oxidation of carbon black and volatile organic compounds over Ru/CeO2 catalystsAouad, Samer ; Abi Aad, Edmond; Aboukaïs, Antoine
2012Spectrophotometric characterization of propanol-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexHassan, Inas EL; Allouch, Ahmad; Abou Dalle, Adib; Tabcheh, Mohamad; Nakat, Hanna El ; Omar, Fawaz El
2012Spectrophotometric studies of the complexation of 2-Aryl-Imino-N-(2-Aryl)-thiazoline substrates with hydroxypropyl cyclodextrinHassan, Inas EL; Allouch, Ahmad; Zeine, Abdel Razzak El; Bouchkara, Mohammad; Abou Dalle, Adib; Nakat, Hanna El ; Omar, Fawaz El
2013Spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies of the inclusion complexation of thiourea substrate with hydroxypropyl- β -cyclodextrinHassan, Inas EL; Allouch, Ahmad; Abou Dalle, Adib; Nakat, Hanna El ; Omar, Fawaz El
2017Steam reforming of ethanol for hydrogen production over Cu/Co-Mg-Al-based catalysts prepared by hydrotalcite routeHomsi, Doris; Abou Rached, Jihane; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Dahdah, Eliane; Estephane, Jane ; Tidahy, Haingomalala Lucette; Abi Aad, Edmond; Aboukaïs, Antoine
2012Steam reforming of ethanol over Ru/Co6Al2 and Cu/Co6Al2 catalystsAl Khawaja, Ruba; Homsi, Dima; Aouad, Samer ; Khoury, Bilal El ; Nakat, Hanna El ; Abi Aad, Edmond; AbouKais, Antoine
2016Steam reforming of methanol over ruthenium impregnated ceria, alumina and ceria-alumina catalystsAouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Mrad, Mary; Tidahy, Haingomalala Lucette; Estephane, Jane ; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2016Steam reforming of toluene for hydrogen production over NiMgALCe catalysts prepared via hydrotalcite routeAbou Rached, Jihane; Dahdah, Eliane; Gennequin, Cédric; Tidahy, Haingomalala Lucette; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond; Estephane, Jane ; Aouad, Samer ; Nsouli, Bilal
2008Stepped layers in the complexes of para-sulfonatocalix (6) arene with dimethylammonium and bis-6-aminohexylammonium cationsLazar, Adina N.; Danylyuk, Oksana; Suwinska, Kinga; Kassab, Rima ; Coleman, Anthony W.
2012Study of antibiotics - loaded poly (DL-Lactide) microspheresMoussa, Dima; Safi, Nahed; Kassab, Rima ; Yammine, Paolo 
2012Study of antifungal and antibiotic drugs loaded microspheres based on poly (DL-lactide) and poly (DL-lactide-co-caprolactone)Yammine, Paolo ; Kassab, Rima ; Moussa, Dima
2014Study of different process parameters for polylactic acid microspheres formulationsMoussa, Dima; Kassab, Rima ; Yammine, Paolo