Browsing by Author Daoud, Ziad

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Showing results 24 to 43 of 134 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Carbapenem resistant enterobacter cloacae in the wastewater of a lebanese hospitalDaoud, Ziad; Salem , S.E; Kfoury, Khalil El; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Matar, Ghassan M.
2016Carriage of beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae among nursing home residents in north LebanonDandachi, Imad; Sokhn, Salem Elie; Najem, Elie; Azar, Eid; Daoud, Ziad
2015Carriage of multi drug resistant enterobacteriaceae among nursing home residents in North LebanonDandachi, Iman
22-Jan-2018Carriage trends and fitness cost of MDROs in Lebanese nursing homesChallita, Caren; Hafza, Nourhane; Dahdouh, Elias; Attieh, Michel; Dandachi, Iman; Daoud, Ziad
10-Mar-2023Characterization and susceptibility of non-albicans Candida isolated from various clinical specimens in Lebanese hospitalsHusni, Rola; Bou Zerdan, Maroun; Samaha, Nadia; Helou, Mariana; Mahfouz, Youssef; Saniour, Rim; Hourani, Sawsan; Kolanjian, Harout; Afif, Claude; Azar, Eid; El Jisr, Tamima; Mokhbat, Jacques; Abboud, Emma; Feghali, Rita; Abboud, Edmond; Matta, Hiam; Karayakouboglo, Gilbert; Matar, Madonna; Moghnieh, Rima; Daoud, Ziad
2010Clonality and effect of antibiotic consumption on resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from Lebanese patients with emphasis on MBL productionMoawad, Rima
2017Clonality, virulence determinants, and profiles of resistance of clinical Acinetobacter baumannii isolates obtained from a Spanish hospitalDahdouh, Elias; Gómez-Gil, Rosa; Pacho, Sonsoles; Mingorance, Jesús; Daoud, Ziad; Suárez, Monica
2012Co-morbid factors related to surgical complications in kidney transplant patientsAbou-Jaoude, Maroun M.; Nasser, Haidar; Khalaf, Alain N.; Abou-Jaoude, Walid J.; Daoud, Ziad
2017"Collinsella bouchesdurhonensis" sp. nov., identified in human stool sampleBilen, Melhem; Cadoret, Frederic; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Didier, Raoult
22-Jan-2018Comparison of virulence determinants among Acinetobacter baumannii Clinical isolates obtained from Spain and LebanonDahdouh, Elias Abdo; Suarez Rodriguez, Monica; Daoud, Ziad
2018Competition assays between ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates collected from Lebanese elderly: an additional cost on fitnessHafza, Nourhane; Challita, Caren; Dandachi, Imad; Dahdouh, Elias; Daoud, Ziad
2019A compilation of antimicrobial susceptibility data from a network of 13 Lebanese hospitals reflecting the national situation during 2015-2016Moghnieh, Rima A.; Araj, Georges; Awad, Lyn; Daoud, Ziad
2017Congobacterium massiliense gen. nov. sp. nov., a new bacterium isolated from the gut of a pygmy (Baka) womanBilen, Melhem; Cadoret, Frederic; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Didier, Raoult
2018The contribution of culturomics to the repertoire of isolated human bacterial and archaeal speciesBilen, Melhem; Dufour, Jean-Charles; Cadoret, Frederic; Daoud, Ziad; Dubourg, Gregory; Raoult, Didier
2009Correlation between meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus prevalence and infection control initiatives within southern and eastern Mediterranean hospitalsBorg, Michael A.; Cookson, Barry D; Rasslan, Ossama; Gür, Deniz; Redjeb, SaidaBen; Benbachir, Mohamed; Rahal, K.; Bagatzouni, Despo Pieridou; Nasser, Ziad El; Daoud, Ziad; Scicluna, Elizabeth A.
2015Corrigendum: Escherichia coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections of Lebanese Patients between 2005 and 2012: Epidemiology and Profiles of ResistanceDaoud, Ziad; Salem Sokhn, Elie; Masri, Khalil; Cheaito, Katia; Haidar-Ahmad, Nathaline; Matar, Ghassan M; Doron, Shira
2005Countrywide spread of community- and hospital-acquired extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (CTX-M-15)-producing enterobacteriaceae in LebanonMoubareck, Carole; Daoud, Ziad; Hakime, Noha; Hamze, Monzer; Mangeney, Nicole; Matta, Hiam; Mokhbat, Jacques; Rohban, Raymond; Sarkis, Dolla Karam; Populaire, Florence Doucet-
2013Detection and analysis of multi-drug resistant gram negative bacilli in the waste water of a general hospital in BeirutKfoury, Khalil El; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Salem , S.E; Daoud, Ziad
2013Detection of genotoxicity in hospital wastewater of a developing country using SOS chromotest and Ames fluctuation testAbdel-Massih, Roula; Melki, Pamela N.; Afif, Claude; Daoud, Ziad
Jan-2023Determination of MIC, MPC, and MSW of Ilex paraguariensis against non-typhoidal Salmonella with identification of the mechanisms of resistance and pathogenicity factorsEl Khatib, Khaled; Hadeer, Ribal Aby; Saad, Anis; Kalaydjian, Aline; Fayad, Elie; Mahfouz, Youssef; Dougnon, Victorien; Daoud, Ziad; Abdel-Massih, Roula M