Browsing by Author Nachar, Rabih

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2021Access to Health Using Cell Phones by War RefugeesEl-Halabi, Soha; Atkins, Salla; Al-Soufi, Lana; Derrough, Tarik; Laflamme, Lucie; El-Khatib, Ziad
2016Air quality and climate in the Mediterranean regionMrad, Myriam A. 
2016Analyzing linkages between trust and solid waste management using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approachAbbas, Nivine H. ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Nader, Manal ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Lovett, Jon C.
2017Assessing the feasibility of waste management solutions based on sorting at source and recyclingMaamari, Olivia; Mrad, Myriam A. ; Mouchati , Antoine; Rizk, Rawad; Ibrahim, Aya; Abdo, Joseph; Dersarkissian, Christapor
3-Apr-2024The Association between Lifestyle Factors and COVID-19: Findings from Qatar BiobankAkbar, Zoha; Kunhipurayil, Hasna H; Saliba, Jessica ; Ahmad, Jamil; Al-Mansoori, Layla; Al-Khatib, Hebah A; Al Thani, Asmaa A; Shi, Zumin; Shaito, Abdullah A
7-May-2024Association between Lifestyle Factors and COVID-19: Findings from Qatar BiobankAkbar, Zoha; Kunhipurayil, Hasna H.; Saliba, Jessica ; Ahmad, Jamil; Mansoori, Layla Al; Khatib, Hebah Al; Thani, Asmaa A. Al; Shi, Zumin; Shaito, Abdullah A.
30-Jun-2023Biological applications of imiquimod analogues: An update (Review)Obeid, Joelle; Shaito, Abdullah; Hajj, Hiba El; Deleuze-Masquefa, Carine; Bonnet, Pierre Antoine; El-Sabban, Marwan; Saliba, Jessica 
1-Feb-2024Bridging research-policy gaps: An integrated approachKhomsi, Kenza; Bouzghiba, Houria; Mendyl, Abderrahmane; Al-Delaimy, Ahmed K.; Dahri, Amal; Saad-Hussein, Amal; Balaw, Ghada; El Marouani, Ihssane; Sekmoudi, Imane; Adarbaz, Mouaad; Khanjani, Narges; Abbas, Nivine H. 
2023Cancer Metastasis: Dynamic Hetero-cellular Communications Between Cancer Cells and Host TissuesSaliba, Jessica ; El-Sabban, Maya; Shaito, Abdullah; El-Harakeh, Mohammad; Obeid, Joelle; El Hajj, Hiba; El-Sabban, Marwan
2014Challenges to obtaining parental permission for child participation in a school-based waterpipe tobacco smoking prevention intervention in QatarNakkash, Rima T.; Mulla, Ahmad Al.; Torossian, Lena; Karhily, Roubina 
14-Nov-2023Childhood obesity: Facts and parental perceptionsAbbas, Nivine H. ; Rouaiheb, Hiba; Saliba, Jessica ; El‑Bikai, Rana
2015Correlates of mobile phone use in HIV care : Results from a cross-sectional study in South AfricaMadhvani, Naieya; Longinetti, Elisa; Santacatterina, Michele; Forsberg, Birger C; Khatib, Ziad El
28-Sep-2022Cultural and Regulatory ContextMahmoud, Hossam; Whaibeh, Emile ; McDermott, Marlene
2011Developing capacities in aging studies in the middle east: implementation of an arabic version of the CANE IV among community-dwelling older adults in LebanonAbi Habib, Laurie E.; Chemaitelly, Hiam S; Jaalouk, Lina Y ; Karam, Nadim E
7-Feb-2024Enhancing enteric pathogen detection: implementation and impact of multiplex PCR for improved diagnosis and surveillanceMohtar, Jad; Mallah, Hiba; Mardirossian, Jean Marc; Bikai, Rana ; Jisr, Tamima El; Soussi, Shatha; Naoufal, Rania; Alam, Gabriella; Chaar, Mira El 
27-Sep-2022Essentials of Telebehavioral Health: A Practical GuideMahmoud, Hossam; Naal, Hady; Whaibeh, Emile 
2021Establishing a sorting protocol for healthcare databasesGhabi, Elie; Farah, Wehbeh; Abboud, Maher; Chalhoub, Elias; Ziade, Nelly; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Abi-Habib, Laurie; Mrad, Myriam A. 
2006Ethical practice in community work: a resource documentAoun, Habbouba ; Abi Habib, Laurie E.; Rizk, Ursula
-Ethics Guidelines for Environmental EpidemiologistsEtzel, Ruth; Abbas, Nivine H. ; Anastario, Michael; Mustapha, Adetoun
Apr-2024Ethics guidelines for environmental epidemiologists: 2023 revisionAbbas, Nivine H. ; Etzel, Ruth A.; Anastario, Michael P.; Anastario, Michael P.; Osuolale, Olayinka; arkar, Atanu; Soyiri, Ireneous N.; Whaibeh, Emile; Soskolne, Colin L.