Browsing by Author Alameddine, Abdulmonhem

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Showing results 25 to 44 of 264 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Compression techniques for medical images transmission over multi core optical fiber using CDMAAbche, Antoine ; Salam, Alaa; Inaty, Elie ; Karam, Elie 
2007Computer-based surgical simulation For students trainingYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2008Computer-based training system for simulating wrist arthroscopyYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2002Congestion control mechanism of ATM traffic using leaky bucket VP shapingDaba, Jihad S. 
2019Constant time hardware architecture for a gaussian smoothing filterAkkad, Ghattas ; Ayoubi, Rafic ; Abche, Antoine 
2012Controlling the bandwidth of bulk acoustic wave filter using a decoder designed on 65nm processBaraka, Kamal; Kerherve, Eric; Pham, Jean-Marie; Hassan, Moustapha El 
2006Convex envelope in arthroscopic knee surgery simulationYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine 
2007Convex hull in medical simulations: a new hybrid approachYaacoub, Fadi; Hamam, Yskandar; Abche, Antoine ; Fares, Charbel
2008Cost-optimized SSB transmitter with high frequency atability and selectivityDaba, Jihad S. 
2010A cross layer fair resource allocation scheme for an OV-CDMA based optical networkInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul; Maier, Martin
27-Jan-2022Current teaching methods in STEM departments – a road map for fundamental university educational reform: evidence from LebanonSabat, Mira ; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Kanaan, Amjad ; Salloum, Sara ; Serhan, Mireille ; Fares, Roula ; Haddad, Nicolas K. ; Melki, Antoine 
2011Delay-constraint fair resource allocation scheme for an optical overlapped code-division multiple access-based optical networkInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul; Maier, Martin
2006Design of a PI-D controller of a scaled-model helicopterAbiad, Hassan El; Khaldi, Mohamad 
2021Design of power quality virtual lab toolbox using labview/multisimHaidar, Sandra; Moussa, E.; El Hassan, M.; Badawi El Najjar, M.
2018Detection of the vocal cords' vibrations: effect of the transducer's positionIshac, Dany; Abche, Antoine ; Matta, Sandrine; Karam, Elie ; Nassar, Georges; Callens, Dorothée
2007Detection of ultrasonic images in the presence of a random number of scatterers : a statistical learning approachDaba, Jihad S. ; Abdullatif, O.M
2017A deterministic contractor selection decision support system for competitive biddingSemaan, Nabil ; Salem, Michael 
2012Direction of arrival estimation using EM-ESPRIT with nonuniform arraysKassis, Carine El; Picheral, José; Fleury, Gilles; Mokbel, Chafic 
2020Discrete-event control system: autonomous vehicleSidawi, Line; Khaldi, Mohamad 
2011Dynamic and contextual information in HMM modeling for handwritten word recognitionBernard, Anne-Laure Bianne; Menasri, Fares; Hajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Mokbel, Chafic ; Kermorvant, Christopher; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence