Browsing by Author Rizk, Joe

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Showing results 58 to 77 of 125 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The ICT challenges with education, how to bring the job market to class roomsDargham, Joumana 
2013Identifying difficulties in learning programming languages among freshman studentsZakhem, Imad El ; Melki, Antoine 
2005The implications of disciplinarity in informationMelki, Antoine 
2014Improved virtual research environment using a massive open online research (MOOR) platformChammas, Michel ; Dannaoui, Elie ; Melki, Antoine 
2017Information and communications technology use as a catalyst for professional developmentMelki, Antoine ; Nicolas, Maureen O'Day ; Khairallah, Megan R. ; Adra, Omar M. 
2013Integrating next generation SCORM with social networking platform in higher education: a case study using tin can API and ELGGBitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine ; Chammas, Michel 
2020Interdisciplinary computing: an epistemological examination and proposed PLOsMelki, Antoine ; Bitar, Amine 
8-Jul-2022Internet of Things: Towards a Solid Ecosystem of Interconnected ThingsMohamad Chakroun; Sayah, Jinane ; Kallab, Chadi; Haddad, Samir El 
2006Interpolating arbitrary networks of curves by catmull-clark subdivision surfacesAbbas, Abdulwahed
2006Interpolating meshes of curves by Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces with a shape parameterAbbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H
2004Interpolating multiple intersecting curves using catmull-clark subdivision surfacesAbbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H
2005Interpolating scattered data points by catmull-clark subdivision surfacesAbbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H
2012Learning computer science in schoolsZakhem, Imad El ; Melki, Antoine 
2009A less-constrained solution to curve interpolation by catmull-clark subdivision surfacesAbbas, Abdulwahed
24-Mar-2023LightCert4IoTs: Blockchain-Based Lightweight Certificates Authentication for IoT ApplicationsGarba, Abba; Khoury, David; Balian, Patrick; Haddad, Samir El ; Sayah, Jinane ; Chen, Zhong; Guan, Zhi; Hamdan, Hani; Charafeddine, Jinan; Al-Mutib, Khalid
2002Lofted catmull-clark subdivision surfacesNasri, Ahmad H; Abbas, Abdulwahed
10-Feb-2022Mathematical Model with Energy and Clustering Energy Based Routing Protocols as Remediation to the Directional Source Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksHaddad, Samir El ; Sayah, Jinane ; Hassan, Bachar El; Kallab, Chadi; Chakroun, Mohamad; Turkey, Nisrine; Charafeddine, Jinan; Hamdan, Hani
30-Dec-2008MDSAP simulation using TinyOs and Hospital Application modelingHaddad, Samir El ; Genet, Marc Girod; El-Hassan, Bachar; El-Nabbouch, Dima
2010A minimally-constrained subdivision surface interpolating arbitrarily-intersecting network of curvesAbbas, Abdulwahed
2011Mobile devices management system in the medical fieldMcheick, Hamid; Dargham, Joumana