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Title: Translating Rom 9,7a: for an accurate understanding of a difficult verse
Authors: Archimandrite Jack Khalil 
Affiliations: Institute of Theology 
Issue Date: 2009
Part of: The Letter to the Romans
Conference: Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (56th : 2007 : Germany) 
Rom 9:7a has always been incorrectly translated. This has involved serious contradictions between the supposed two parallel statements of vv. 9:6b and 9:7a on one hand, and between v. 9:7a and the related argumentation in vv. 9:7b-13 on the other hand. There is indeed a puzzling syntax in this verse, making it very difficult to translate. After pointing to the theological premises and the grammatical and stylistic particularities in this verse, an original solution is proposed to how it should be translated.
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Institute of Theology

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