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Title: A stochastic detailed cyclone model for simulation of the jackhammer and the evaluation of productivity
Authors: Maroun, Khalil
Advisors: Semaan, Nabil 
Keywords: Ezstrobe, Jackhammer, Construction, Operation, Cyclone, Activity Cycle Diagrams
Subjects: Building materials
Dissertations, Academic
University of Balamand--Dissertations
Issue Date: 2021
The purpose of this paper is to develop a stochastic detailed Cyclone Model to quantify the productivity of the construction operation and proper management of the resources available with taking into consideration the key machinery- Jackhammer
The new model, entitled “a Model of a construction operation”, develops a stochastic detailed schedule for the construction operation, using EZStrobe and Stroboscope a simulation programming language. The EZStrobe model (1) identifies the different periodic inspection tasks of the maintenance schedule, (2) allocates the resources required for each task, (3) evaluates a stochastic duration of each inspection task, (4) evaluates probability of occurrence for each breakdown or repair, (5) develops the CYCLONE model of the stochastic schedule, and (6) and simulates the model using Stroboscope Simulation.
Because of numerous unanticipated elements for jackhammer construction operation, the exact gauge of the jackhammer efficiency is a difficult assignment. A jackhammer utilizes a great deal of forged steel parts, it has more than 60 pieces which are held together by bolts. It is held by bolts and not weld together on the grounds that it would vibrate itself separated; the bolts consider vibration. The jackhammer works of newtons law force equals mass durations acceleration, the mass is the bit and the acceleration is what the air pressure provides as it goes in a self-reciprocating motion. Furthermore, there are many types of jackhammer bits depending on the job it is assigned for and depending on the different types of rock or solids, the productivity of the jackhammer differs.
Productivity is comparing the input over the output. When assessing the productivity of a construction operation the input used is either deterministic or stochastic. It varies depending on the operation. Utilizing a Cyclone-Simulation based model to asses Productivity can help by foreseeing the Productivity under different undertaking conditions. For evaluating construction operation productivity using the deterministic technique, Site must be collected from site interviews and expert questioning in different companies and different regions. In every construction operation when evaluating using the deterministic technique, many variables should be taken into consideration depending the operation being assessed. Therefore, after using this technique it will ease the way for predicting future productivity and cost for similar construction operations.
Secondly, for evaluating construction operation productivity using the stochastic technique, probabilistic Site is taken into consideration for the input. This Site may vary depending also on many variables; therefore, a probabilistic number is taken into consideration for each activity so that an applicable evaluation of the productivity is formed.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 52-53)
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Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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