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Title: It is not over yet: the arab revolution between culture and political economy
Authors: Tassone, Giuseppe 
Affiliations: Cultural Studies Program 
Keywords: Arab Revolution
Political economy
Cosmopolitan worldliness
Subjects: Culture
Issue Date: 2015
Part of: Arab studies quarterly
Volume: 37
Issue: 4
Start page: 334
End page: 350
In their assessment of the recent revolutionary turmoil in the Middle East, Hamid Dabashi and Tariq Ramadan argue that the Arab Revolution has opened up for the Arab peoples the possibility of reconnecting themselves with their own history. In their view, there is a creative potential in the Orient itself to question, from within its own tradition, the practices and conceptual categories by which the West has objectified it, so as to produce something new and original. In this article, I contend that Dabashi's and Ramadan's appeal to the Arab cultural tradition as a source of meaning for reconstructing Arab societies is a form of culturalization of politics that blots out the role played by political economy in the Arab Revolution. To gain a theoretical grip on this question, I suggest that the ties between culture and politics be severed and, in their place, the connection between the political and the economic be restored.
Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Cultural Studies Program

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