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Showing results 1187 to 1206 of 1550 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Safety retail assessment of meat and chicken products in LebanonYammine, Gina
2013Sand fly fever virus in Lebanon : serological study and viral characterizationZakhia, Renée
2020Scaling of a wind turbine into a full-scale prototype with a self-regulating shield mechanismYoussef, Wissam
2012School teachers' and students' perceptions of integrating interactive whiteboards into ESL classrooms in LebanonSaba, Jessica
2015Screening and chemical identification of antimicrobial compounds produced by bacteria isolated from Lebanese soil samplesYouness, Richard
2024Screening for antibacterial activity of the extracts obtained from Ficus carica & Malva sylvestris on highly drug resistant bacteriaDasuki, Ayah
2013Screening for antibiotic activity in microbes isolated from Lebanese soil samplesDaaboul, Mayssam
2015Screening for antimicrobial activity in fungi isolated from Lebanese soilChoueiri, Panay
2017SEAM contribution to meet the internal and external challenges in a private Lebanese universityKouran, Oumaya el-
2018The seam contribution to the management of theatrical performances : the case of Château Trianon-LebanonKhabbaz, Lara
2020Seashell-derived catalysts for biodiesel production : reaction kinetics, energy balance, and process optimizationNahas, Les
2021SECOFACH FactoryMikhael, Rima
2023Secondary traumatic stress in a sample of Lebanese mental health workers responding to the Beirut blastBakri, Lama
2018Sectarianism in the Lebanese newscast : a case study of the coverage of the Yemeni crisis by Al-Manar and Future t.v. between 2015 & 2017Hajar, Hoda
2013Secularism as a precondition for women's legal rights in LebanonHawi, Joziane El
2015Seismic design of an eight-story office buildingZohbi, Ahmad El; Arab, Abdallah; Barakat, Zeidan
2018Seismic retrofit of R/C beams by wrapping potential plastic hinge zones with CFRPNakad, Ibrahim; Fares, Georgio
2023Selection of the best biodiesel blend among existing studies using AHP topsis approachFarah, Yorgo
2018Self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregatesMaalouf, Joe; Saliba, Youssef
2016Self-efficacious beliefs and students' self-esteem : the case of private English-Medium school in Al-KouraChaarani, Ruba