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Showing results 130 to 149 of 1550 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Calcination control for enhanced kinetics of methane dry reforming on mesoporous Ni/SBA-15 based catalystsKaram, Leila
2014The calculation of Lebanon's greenhouse gaz (GHG) emissions and removals from the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector : a trend analysis for the period 1994-2012Bou Kamel, Hisham
2007CALL, a source of variety and antidote to boredomNabti, Zeina El
2022Capacity of reinforced concrete beams with minimum shear reinforcement strengthened with NSM CFRP rodsChami, Georges El
2019Caractérisation du béton à base de déchets solides (caoutchouc, plastique et verre)Khalil, Jessica; Mrad, Marissabelle
2011Carbapenem resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa : OPRD downregulation and the types of METALLO-?-LACTAMASES producedTurk, Mostafa Al
2024“Carbapenemase genes in carbapenem-resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa: experimental research insights into carbapenemase producing pseudomonas aeruginosa”Najjoum, Cynthia Fouad
2011Career orientation through multimedia information communication technologyHallab, Nada
2015Carriage of multi drug resistant enterobacteriaceae among nursing home residents in North LebanonDandachi, Iman
2011A case study exploring the use of poetry in EFL classes at a Lebanese UniversityKhatib, Lina Assem El
2023A case study of teachers' and students' perceptions towards rubrics as learning tools in an intensive English oral communication skills courseSaleh, Jessica Janet
2023CATACOMB for cars : a community for car enthusiastsAchkar, Joseph
2009Catalytic oxidation of carbon black and propene over Ru/CexZr1-xO2 catalystsHomsi, Doris
2011Catalytic oxidation of carbon black and propylene over Ru/CoxMgyAl2 and Cu/CoxMgyAl2 catalystsAoun, Amal 
2011Catalytic steam performing of methane and methanol over CoxMgyAl2 and Ru/CoxMgyAl2 catalystsAwad, Rania
2019Celebrities' role in sales and team loyalty : case study in North Lebanon of Cristiano Ronaldos move to JuventusFrangieh, Maria
2015Celebrity use and representation in TV commercials on Lebanese channelsRemlaoui, Lama
2017CFD for catamaran with asymmetric hullsSawan, Tony
2022CFD investigation of bio-mimicry in aerodynamicsSemaan, Charbel
2024CFD simulation of adsorbed hydrogen storage tankAndraos, Raghid