Browsing by Subject Sleep quality

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Factors that would optimize learning among adolescent lebanese studentsFeghali, Yara; Ojaimi, Mode ; Hadchity, E; Rahal, M.; Ghanem, B.; Greige, W.; Dagher, R.; Nassif, D.; Elias, M.B; Fahed, F.; Fadous Khalife, Marie Claude
6-Jul-2024The impact of financial stress on student wellbeing in Lebanese higher educationNasr, Ramona; Rahman, Abir Abdel; Haddad, Chadia; Nasr, Nada; Karam, Joanne; Hayek, Jessy; Ismael, Ibrahim; Swaidan, Eman; Salameh, Pascale; Alami, Nael