Browsing by Subject Cytokines

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Showing results 4 to 12 of 12 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Gentian violet's effect on the histology and level of cytokines in the spleen of miceJbeili, Salam
2019Immunomodulatory effect of natural and modified Citrus pectin on cytokine levels in the spleen of BALB/c miceMerheb, Rihab Al; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Karam, Marc 
2017Immunomodulatory effects of heat-killed Mycobacterium obuense on human blood dendritic cellsBazzi, Samer ; Modjtahedi, Helmout; Mudan, Satvinder; Achkar, Marcel; Akle, Charles; Bahr, George M. 
2012In Leishmania major-induced inflammation, interleukin-13 reduces hyperalgesia, down-regulates IL-1β and up-regulates IL-6 in an IL-4 independent mechanismKaram, Marc ; Merckbawi, Rana; Kouba, Jane Al; Bazzi, Samer ; Bodman-Smith, Kikki
2013In Leishmania major-induced inflammation, interleukin-13 reduces hyperalgesia, down-regulates IL-1β and up-regulates IL-6 in an IL-4 independent mechanismKaram, Marc ; Merckbawi, Rana; Kouba, Jane Al; Bazzi, Samer ; Bodman-Smith, Kikki
1-Jan-2025Influence of Apis mellifera syriaca Bee Venom on Nociception and Inflammatory Cytokine Profiles in Experimental HyperalgesiaAyoub, Mohamad; Fayjaloun, Salma; Roufayel, Rabih; El Obeid, Dany; Fajloun, Ziad; Rima, Mohamad; Karam, Marc 
2018Montivipera bornmuelleri venom has immunomodulatory effects mainly up-regulating pro-inflammatory cytokines in the spleens of miceYacoub, Tania; Rima, Mohamad; Sadek, Riyad; Hleihel, Walid; Fajloun, Ziad; Karam, Marc 
2022The role of cytkokines [sic] cytokines in studying the correlation between asthma and atherosclerosis in mice : the effect of asthma on the cytokine profile and atherogenesis in miceTayoun, Najib
2023The role of specific cytokines in the progression of asthma and atherosclerosis : the effect of asthma on the cytokine profile and atherogenesis in miceYaacoub, Elie