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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Biodiesel production from refined sunflower oil over Ca-Mg-Al catalysts: effect of the composition and the thermal treatmentDahdah, Eliane; Estephane, Jane ; Haydar, Reem; Youssef, Yara; Khoury, Bilal El ; Gennequin, Cédric; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi-Aad, Edmond; Aouad, Samer 
2011Carbon black and propylene oxidation over Ru/CexZr1−xO2 catalystsHomsi, Doris; Aouad, Samer ; Nakat, John El; Khoury, Bilal El ; Obeid, Pierre J. ; Abi Aad, Antoine; Aboukaïs, Antoine
2011Catalytic oxidation of carbon black over Ru/CoxMgyAl2 catalystsAoun, Amal ; Aouad, Samer ; Nakat, John El; Khoury, Bilal El ; Abi Aad, Edmond; Aboukaïs, Antoine
2011Catalytic steam performing of methane and methanol over CoxMgyAl2 and Ru/CoxMgyAl2 catalystsAwad, Rania
2017CO2 reforming of methane over NixMg6−xAl2 catalysts: Effect of lanthanum doping on catalytic activity and stabilityDahdah, Eliane; Abou Rached, Jihane; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Tidahy, Haingomalala Lucette; Estephane, Jane ; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2015Comparison of effects of La, Mg and Rh addition on the activity and stability of Ni/SiO2 catalysts in dry reforming of methane at low temperatureHassan, Nissrine El ; khansa, Ali; Challita, Elie; Zakhem, Henri El ; Casale, Sandra
2016Dry reforming of methane over NixMg6−xAl1.8La0.2 catalystsDahdah, Eliane; Abou Rached, Jihane; Estephane, Jane ; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2012The effect of FeF3/TiF3 catalysts on the thermal and tribological performance of plain oil ZDDP under extreme pressure loadingNehme, Gabi 
2020Effect of la promotion on Ni/Mg-Al hydrotalcite derived catalysts for glycerol steam reformingDahdah, Eliane; Estephane, Jane ; Gennequin, Cédric; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Aouad, Samer ; Abi Aad, Edmond
2015Effect of support porosity on coke deposition and sintering of nickel based catalysts used for carbon dioxide reforming of methaneAmine, Ruba
2017Glycerol steam reforming over Ru-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides: role of the preparation method in catalytic activityDahdah, Eliane; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Estephane, Jane ; Nsouli, Bilal; AbouKais, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2018Glycerol steam reforming over Ru-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides: role of the preparation method in catalytic activityDahdah, Eliane; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Estephane, Jane ; Nsouli, Bilal; AbouKais, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2014The impact of surface roughness and PTFE/TiF3/FeF3 additives in plain ZDDP oil on the friction and wear behavior using thermal and tribological analysis under extreme pressure conditionNehme, Gabi ; Ghalambor, Saeed
2018A review on the dry reforming processes for hydrogen production: catalytic materials and technologiesAouad, Samer ; Labaki, Madona; Ojala, Satu; Seelam, Prem; Turpeinen, Esa; Gennequin, Cédric; Estephane, Jane ; Abi Aad, Edmond
2015Rh-Ni/SBA-15 prepared by two solvents method as stable catalysts for the dry reforming of methane at high pressureKaydouh, Marie-Nour; Hassan, Nissrine El ; Davidson, Anne; Casale, Sandra; Massiani, Pascale
2009Simultaneous oxidation of carbon black and volatile organic compounds over Ru/CeO2 catalystsAouad, Samer ; Abi Aad, Edmond; Aboukaïs, Antoine
2016Steam reforming of toluene for hydrogen production over NiMgALCe catalysts prepared via hydrotalcite routeAbou Rached, Jihane; Dahdah, Eliane; Gennequin, Cédric; Tidahy, Haingomalala Lucette; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond; Estephane, Jane ; Aouad, Samer ; Nsouli, Bilal
2015Syngas production via the dry reforming of methane reaction over Ni/ZSM5 and Co/ZSM5 catalystsEstephane, Jane ; Aouad, Samer ; Zakhem, Henri El ; Gennequin, Cédric; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2016Towards minimizing wear by improving antiwear additives and surface characteristics using reduced phosphorus plain ZDDP oil under boundary lubricationNehme, Gabi ; Ghalambor, Saeed
2013Tribological and thermal characteristics of reduced phosphorus plain ZDDP oil in the presence of PTFE/FeF3/TiF3 under optimized extreme loading condition and a break in period using two different rotational speedsNehme, Gabi