Browsing by Author Harb, Joann

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Showing results 109 to 128 of 182 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Knowledge of results and explicit instruction : Efficiency of learning the crawl stroke in swimmingRouhana, Joelle; Ferry, Fawzi ; Toussaint, Lucette
2007L'insulino-resistance et l'inflammation de repos majorent-elles le stress oxydant post-exercice chez des adolescentes libanaises en surcharge pondérale ?Youssef, Hala; Groussard, Carole; Moussa, Elie ; Jacob, Christophe ; Pincemail, J; Delamarche, Arlette Gratas
2011La masse osseuse de l'adolescent : effets de la composition corporelle, de la surcharge pondérale et d'un programme pluridisciplinaire d'entrainement en enduranceHage, Rawad El 
2014La qualité du sommeil est un déterminant de la densité minérale osseuse de la hanche chez un groupe de jeunes hommes libanaisZakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El ; Zunquin, Gautier; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Theunynck, Denis
2006La réalisation d'un marathon n'affecte pas les performances aérobies mesurées en laboratoire chez des marathoniens de niveau nationalZouhal, Hassane; Jacob, Christophe ; Groussard, Carole; Moussa, Elie ; Delamarche, Paul; Delamarche, Arlette Gratas
2008Leptine, insuline, IGF-1 et masse osseuse chez des adolescentes sédentairesHage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Youssef, Hala; Groussard, Carole; Pineau, Jean-Claude; Jaffré, Christelle
2016Les déterminants de santé corrélables à la densité minérale osseuse appréciée par ultrasonométrieZakhem, Eddy ; Khoury, Georges El ; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Zouhal, Hassane; Khoury, César El; Theunynck, Denis; Hurdiel, Rémy; Pezé, Thierry; Zunquin, Gautier; Jacob, Christophe ; Hage, Rawad El 
2021Limb muscular strength and bone mineral density in elderly subjects with low skeletal muscle mass indexSaddik, Hayman; Pinti, Antonio; Antoun, Amal; Al Rassy, Nathalie; El Hage, Zaher; Berro, Abdel-Jalil; Lespessailles, Eric; Toumi, Hechmi; Hage, Rawad El 
Jun-2023Lower limbs relative strength and composite indices of femoral neck strength in a group of young adult menKhalil, N.; Pinti, A.; Khoury, G.; Khawaja, A.; Hage, Rawad El 
2014Lumbar spine bone mineral density in obese, overweight, and normal-weight lebanese postmenopausal womenHage, Rawad El ; Bachour, Falah; Khairallah, Walid; Issa, Majed; Eid, Roy; Gemma, Adib; Maalouf, Ghassan
2013Lumbar spine, hip and forearm bone mineral density in a group of Lebanese professional football playersHage, Rawad El ; jaber, Moussa; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Theunynck, Denis
23-Aug-2024Maximal Deadlift Strength and Bone Mass in a Group of Healthy Elderly MenMaliha, Elie ; El Hawly, Wassim; Pinti, Antonio; Zunquin, Gautier; Bassim, Youssef ; Hage, Rawad El 
2015Maximal oxygen consumption and bone mass in french boysHage, Rawad El ; Zunquin, Gautier; Zakhem, Eddy ; Theunynck, Denis; Bouglé, Dominique
2014Maximal oxygen consumption and bone mineral density in a group of young lebanese adultsHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Theunynck, Denis; Zunquin, Gautier; Bedran, Farid; Sebaaly, Amer; Bachour, Falah; Maalouf, Ghassan
2018Maximal oxygen consumption and composite indices of femoral neck strength in a group of young overweight and obese menKhoury, Georges El ; Zouhal, Hassane; Maalouf, Ghassan; Cabagno, Genevieve; Khoury, César El; Zakhem, Eddy ; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Hage, Rawad El 
2017Maximal oxygen consumption and composite indices of femoral neck strength in a group of young womenBerro, Abdel Jalil; Fayad, Nadine; Pinti, Antonio; Khoury, Georges El ; Ahmaidi, Said; Zouhal, Hassane; Maalouf, Ghassan; Hage, Rawad El 
2020Maximum oxygen consumption predicts bone mineral density in young adultsSabbagh, Patchina; Finianos, Boutros; Zunquin, Gautier; Kamlé, Pierre; Baquet, Georges; Hage, Rawad El 
2019Muscular maximal strength indices and bone variables in a group of elderly menNasr, Riad; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Watelain, Eric; Ishac, S.; Abdul Al, Obaida; Hage, Rawad El 
2020Muscular maximal strength indices and bone variables in a group of elderly womenNasr, Riad; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Watelain, Eric; Matta, Joseph; Frenn, Fabienne; Rizkallah, Maroun; Maalouf, Ghassan; Khoury, César El; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Hage, Rawad El 
2020Muscular power and maximum oxygen consumption predict bone density in a group of middle-aged menFinianos, Boutros; Sabbagh, Patchina; Zunquin, Gautier; Hage, Rawad El