Browsing by Author Alameddine, Abdulmonhem

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Showing results 202 to 221 of 264 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A robust edge based corner detectorNachar, Rabih ; Inaty, Elie ; Bonnin, Patrick J; Alayli, Yasser
2014A robust edge-based corner detector (EBCD)Nachar, Rabih ; Inaty, Elie ; Bonnin, Patrick J; Alayli, Yasser
2016Robust informed split gradient NMF using Alpha ß-divergence for source apportionmentChreiky, Robert; Delamire, Gilles; Dorerr, Clement; Puigt, Matthieu; Roussel , Gilles; Abche, Antoine 
2006RPM-reconnaissance de la parole multilingueMokbel, Chafic ; Chollet, Gérard
2008Scattering statistics of doppler faded acoustic signals using speckle noise modelsDaba, Jihad S. 
2008Segmentation of speckled images using a likelihood random field modelDaba, Jihad S. ; Bell, Mark R
2002Segmentation of speckled ultrasound images based on a statistical modelDaba, Jihad S. 
2004Sensitivity matrices for reactive power dispatch and voltage control of large-scale power systemsKhaldi, Mohamad 
2009SMR-BAW duplexer for W-CDMA applicationKerherve, Eric; David, Jean-Baptiste; Shirakawa, Alexandre.A; Hassan, Moustapha El ; Baraka, Kamal; Vincent, Pierre; Cathelin, Andreia
2007Some experiments in audio-visual speech processingChollet, Gérard; Landais, Rémi; Hueber, Thomas; Bredin, Hervé; Mokbel, Chafic ; Perrot, Patrick; Zouari, Leila
2008Some results from the biosecure talking face evaluation campaignFauve, Benoit; Berdin, Herve; Karam, Walid ; Verdet, Florian; Mayoue, Aurelien; Chollet, Gérard; Hennebert, Jean; Lewis, Richard; Mason, John; Mokbel, Chafic ; Petrovska-Delacretaz, Dijana
2018Speaker identification based on vocal cords vibrations: effect of the windowIshac, Dany; Abche, Antoine ; Nassar, Georges; Karam, Elie ; Callens, Dorothée
2015Split gradient method for informed non-negative matrix factorizationChreiky, Robert; Delmaire, Gilles; Puigt, Matthieu; Roussel , Gilles; Courcot, Dominique; Abche, Antoine 
2010Spoken dialogue in virtual worldsChollet, Gérard; Amehraye, Asmaa; Razik, Joseph; Zouari, Leila; Khemiri, Houssemeddine; Mokbel, Chafic 
2013STATCOM control of Ill-conditioned power systems using dogleg trust-region algorithmTobaji, Eddy; Khaldi, Mohamad ; Fadel, Davy
2016STATCOM dynamic modeling and integration in power flowTadros, Amanda; Khaldi, Mohamad 
2009State estimation based optimal control and NARMA-L2 controllers of a scaled-model helicopterKhaldi, Mohamad ; Abiad, Hassan El
2019Statistical based 3-D image registration approach with external markersAbche, Antoine ; Yaacoub, Olga ; Chreiky, Robert; Karam, Elie 
2015Statistical modeling of local area fading channels based on triply stochastic filtered marked poisson point processesDaba, Jihad S. 
2017Statistical modeling of mobile fading channels based on triply stochastic filtered marked poisson point processesDaba, Jihad S.