Browsing by Author Rizk, Joe

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Showing results 109 to 125 of 125 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017T-spline local refinement as a belief revision system: a rule-based implementationAbbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H
2015T-spline polygonal complexesAbbas, Abdulwahed
2008T-Splines : a closer lookAbbas, Abdulwahed
2008T-splines local refinement: an implementationAbbas, Abdulwahed
2015TIN CAN Client Elgg Plug-In : A Proposed Solution to Integrate Social Media with E-Learning TechnologyChammas, Michel ; Bitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine 
2001Toward a general language for the specification of constraint satisfaction problemsAbbas, Abdulwahed; Tsang, Edward P.K
2024Transformation numérique dans l'enseignement supérieur : cours ou parcours ?Melki, Antoine 
2011Uniform B-Spline curve interpolation with prescribed tangent and curvature vectorsOkaniwa, Shoichi; Nasri, Ahmad H; Lin, Hongwei; Abbas, Abdulwahed; Kineri, Yuki; Maekawa, Takashi
2017Use of a Blended approach for an Internet of Things CourseZakhem, Imad El 
1-Dec-2024VAS-3D: A Visual-Based Alerting System for Detecting Drowsy Drivers in Intelligent Transportation SystemsEl Zein, Hadi; Harb, Hassan; Delmotte, François; Zahwe, Oussama; Haddad, Samir El 
2011Visual management of workflows in web development frameworksKaram, Marcel; Safa, Haidar; Mneimneh, Hanan; Dargham, Joumana ; Mcheick, Hamid
2011Wireless sensor networks energy based protocol in medical applicationHaddad, Samir El ; Girod-Genet, Marc; Hassan, Bachar El
2013الأب يوحنا رومانيدس : فكر ولاهوتملكي, انطوان 
2006التعاون في بيئة متعددة الثقافات : مقاربة من وجهة نظر مسيحية أرثوذكسيةسكوتيريس, قسطنطين
2005الشيخ يعقوب (تساليكيس) : رئيس دير البار داود في ليمني آفيا
2004العهد الجديد : نظرة ارثوذكسيةStylianopoulos, Theodore
2002الفكر الكنسي الارثوذكسيفلاخوس, ايروثيوس