Browsing by Author Greige, Hanna

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Showing results 73 to 86 of 86 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Rain pattern analysis using the Standardized Precipitation Index for long-term drought characterization in LebanonKobrossi, Jamil ; Karam, Fadi; Mitri, George 
2011Resistance of streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from Lebanese patients between 2005 and 2009Daoud, Ziad; Kourani, Mariam; Saab , R; Nader, Manal ; Hajjar, Micheline
2002Review of forest fire management in LebanonNader, Manal ; Abche, Antoine 
2019Risk assessment of asbestos-cement roof sheets in Chekka, North LebanonKfoury, Adib ; Mitri, George ; Zakhem, Henri El ; Aouad, Georges 
2011The role of remote sensing in the implementation of Lebanons national strategy for forest fire managementMitri, George ; Gitas, Ioannis Z.
2021Spatial distribution and landscape impact analysis of quarries and waste dumpsitesMitri, George ; Nasrallah, Georgy; Nader, Manal 
2012Towards monitoring post-fire vegetation cover dynamics in the Mediterranean with the use of object-based image analysis of Landsat imagesMitri, George ; Fiorucci, Paolo
2014Trust and cooperation relations in environmental management of LebanonAbbas, Nivine H. ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Nader, Manal ; Lovett, Jon C.
29-Apr-2022The Use of Earth Observation Data in Wildfire Risk Management: A Case Study from LebanonMitri, George 
2018Use of field hyperspectral data for monitoring water stress in native tree seedlingsMitri, George ; Sakr, R; Saba, S; Nader, Manal ; Nasrallah, G
2011The use of satellite imagery for the assessment of fire risk associated with repetitive armed conflicts in North LebanonMitri, George ; Nader, Manal ; van der, Molen I.; Lovett, Jon C.
2013The use of very high spatial resolution SPOT imagery for fire risk characterizationSalloum, Liliane; Mitri, George ; Gitas, Ioannis Z.
2011Using remote sensing to improve the management of Lebanon's forestsMitri, George 
2016Using the standardized precipitation index as a key meteorological drought indicator to study climate change impacts on water resources in dry mediterranean environmentsKaram, Fadi; Amacha, Nabil; Mitri, George ; Dominguez, Alfonso