Browsing by Author Karam, Elie

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Showing results 701 to 720 of 874 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2023QTc prolongation during levofloxacin and triazole combination chemoprophylaxis: Prevalence and predisposing risk factors in a cohort of hematopoietic cell transplantation recipientsMoghnieh, Rima; Khalil, Ahmad; Bizri, Nazih; Francis, Nadine; Imad, Sabine; Mezher, Maria; Mrad, Zahraa; Ibrahim, Jad; Zahran, Kamal; Farroukh, Farah; Itani, Malak; Assaad, Amani; Sinno, Loubna; Abdallah, Dania; Ibrahim, Ahmad
2021Quadruple-Checkerboard: A Modification of the Three-Dimensional Checkerboard for Studying Drug CombinationsIsber, Christina; Stockman, David L; Daoud, Ziad
26-Nov-2023Radiation and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Combination Therapy for Treatment of Hepatocellular CarcinomaChami, Perla; Diab, Youssef; Khalil, Danny N; Azhari, Hassan; Jarnagin, William R; Abou-Alfa, Ghassan K; Harding, James J; Hajj, Joseph; Ma, Jennifer; El Homsi, Maria; Reyngold, Marsha; Crane, Christopher; Hajj, Carla
2017Radiation-induced inflammatory dermatosis: Another facet of the immunocompromised cutaneous districtHaber, Roger; Bachelez, Hervé
2017'Raoultibacter timonensis gen. nov., sp. nov. , a new bacterium isolated from the human gut of a Pygmy womanBilen, Melhem; Cadoret, Frederic; Dubourg, Gregory; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Raoult, Didier
6-Sep-2024A rare case of extra-digital glomus tumor of the thighChouairy, Camil; Ghattas, Souad; Maalouf, Hani; Youness, Ahmad; El Bitar, Jad; El Khoury, Mansour
1-May-2023A Rare Case of Giant Malignant PheochromocytomaYounes, Ahmad; Ghattas, Souad; Semaan, Samar; Maalouf, Hani; Al Kadirri, Adham; Rahban, Hind; El Rassi, Ziad
30-Sep-2022A rare case of metastatic colon cancer to the pineal region: A case reportKawtharani, Sarah; Moussalem, Charbel; El Houshiemy, Mohamad; Horanieh, Elias; Najjar, Marwan
2021A rare cause of neonatal intussusception. Considering it might reduce the mortality. A case report and a review of the literatureAkkary, Rezkalla; Diab, Nabil
2021A rare complication of capsule endoscopy, retained in diverticula: A report of two casesSaad, Melissa Kyriakos; Fiani, Elias; El Hajj, Imad; Saikaly, Elias
2001Rare variations of the mylohyoid muscle : Case studySaadeh, Faysal A.; Sabban, Marwan El; Hawi, Jihad 
21-Apr-2023Rates of cerebrospinal fluid leak and pseudomeningocele formation after posterior fossa craniotomy versus craniectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysisAlhantoobi, Mohamed Rashed; Kesserwan, Mohamad Ali; Khayat, Hassan A.; Lawasi, Mohammad; Sharma, Sunjay
2021Rationale and Design of the Efficacy of a Standardized Diuretic Protocol in Acute Heart Failure StudyDauw, Jeroen; Lelonek, Malgorzata; Zegri-Reiriz, Isabel; Paredes-Paucar, Cynthia P; Zara, Cornelia; George, Varghese; Cobo-Marcos, Marta; Knappe, Dorit; Shchekochikhin, Dmitry; Lekhakul, Annop; Klincheva, Milka; Frea, Simone; Miró, Òscar; Barker, Diane; Borbély, Attila; Nasr, Samer; Doghmi, Nawal; de la Espriella, Rafael; Singh, Jagdeep S; Bovolo, Virginia; Fialho, Inês; Ross, Noel T; van den Heuvel, Mieke; Benkouar, Riad; Findeisen, Hajo; Alhaddad, Imad A; Al Balbissi, Kais; Barge-Caballero, Gonzalo; Ghazi, Azmee M; Bruckers, Liesbeth; Martens, Pieter; Mullens, Wilfried
2015Real-world evaluation of compliance and preference in Alzheimer's disease treatmentPai, Ming-Chyi; Aref, Hany; Bassil, Nazem; Kandiah, Nagaendran; Lee, Jae-Hong; Srinivasan, A V; diTommaso, Shelley; Yuksel, Ozgur
2019Recent advances in understanding breast cancer and emerging therapies with a focus on luminal and triple-negative breast cancerEl Hachem, Georges; Gombos, Andrea; Awada, Ahmad
Jan-2023Recommendations for Early and Comprehensive Management of Type 2 Diabetes and Its Related Cardio-Renal ComplicationsAbu-Alfa, Ali K; Atallah, Paola J; Azar, Sami ; Dagher, Elissar C; Echtay, Akram S; El-Amm, Mireille A; Hazkial, Habib G; Kassab, Roland Y; Medlej, Rita C; Mohamad, Malek A
2018Recovery from DSM-IV post-traumatic stress disorder in the WHO World Mental Health surveysRosellini, A J; Liu, H; Petukhova, M V; Sampson, N A; Aguilar-Gaxiola, S; Alonso, J; Borges, G; Bruffaerts, R; Bromet, E J; de Girolamo, G; de Jonge, P; Fayyad, J; Florescu, S; Gureje, O; Haro, J M; Hinkov, H; Karam, Elie G.; Kawakami, N; Koenen, K C; Lee, S; Lépine, J P; Levinson, D; Navarro-Mateu, F; Oladeji, B D; O'Neill, S; Pennell, B-E; Piazza, M; Posada-Villa, J; Scott, K M; Stein, D J; Torres, Y; Viana, M C; Zaslavsky, A M; Kessler, R C
1-Jan-2020Rectal indometacin dose escalation for prevention of pancreatitis after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in high-risk patients: a double-blind, randomised controlled trialFogel, Evan L.; Lehman, Glen A.; Tarnasky, Paul; Cote, Gregory A.; Schmidt, Suzette E.; Waljee, Akbar K.; Higgins, Peter D.R.; Watkins, James L.; Sherman, Stuart; Kwon, Richard S.Y.; Elta, Grace H.; Easler, Jeffrey J.; Pleskow, Douglas K.; Scheiman, James M.; El Hajj, Ihab I.; Guda, Nalini M.; Gromski, Mark A.; McHenry, Lee; Arol, Seena; Korsnes, Sheryl; Suarez, Alejandro L.; Spitzer, Rebecca; Miller, Marilyn; Hofbauer, Maria; Elmunzer, B. Joseph
2019Rectus abdominis free tissue transfer in lower extremity reconstruction: Long term follow up in 58 casesMoucharafieh, Ramzi C; Nehme, Alexandre H; Badra, Mohammad I; Rahal, Mohammad Jawad H
17-May-2023Rectus Muscle Plication in Mini-abdominoplasty with Umbilicus PreservationEl Israwi, Daniel; Watfa, William