Browsing by Author Abou Dagher, Manale

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Analyzing linkages between trust and solid waste management using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approachAbbas, Nivine H. ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Nader, Manal ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Lovett, Jon C.
2019Assessing land degradation and identifying potential sustainable land management practices at the subnational level in LebanonMitri, George ; Nasrallah, Georgy; Gebrael, Karen ; Bou Nassar, Maria; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Nader, Manal ; Masri, Nour; Choueiter, Dominique
2011Combining non-invasive methods for the rapid assessment of mammalian richness in a transect-quadrat survey scheme - Case Study of the Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve, North LebanonNader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abi Salloum, Bachir; Abou Dagher, Manale 
2016Development of an integrated coastal zone management law in LebanonNader, Manal ; Abou Dagher, Manale 
3-Aug-2012Environmental Resources Monitoring in Lebanon - ERMLNader, Manal ; Jazi, Mireille; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Indary, Shadi A. 
2012Evolution of the coast of north Lebanon from 1962 - 2007: mapping changes for the identifications of hotspots and for future management interventionsAbou Dagher, Manale ; Nader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. 
2020Implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries for the purse seine fisheries in LebanonNader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Vasconcellos, Marcelo; Majdalani, Samir; Dimech, Mark; Lahoud, Imad
2020Investigating the performance of sentinel-2A and Landsat 8 imagery in mapping shoreline changesMitri, George ; Nader, Manal ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Gebrael, Karen 
2022Is the ecosystem approach to fisheries management an effective tool for small-scale fisheries? The case of the purse seine fisheries in LebanonNader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Vasconcellos, Marcelo; Majdalani, Samir; Dimech, Mark; Lahoud, Imad; Jawhar, Samher; Charbel, Nammour
2015National greenhouse gas inventory report and mitigation analysis for the land use, land-use change and forestry sector in LebanonNader, Manal ; Mitri, George ; Jazi, Mireille; Daia, Roula Al ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Bou Kamel, Hisham; Aboujaoude, Lea Kai; Daou, Yara; Kabakian, Vahakn
2015North Lebanon - bio-physical, social, economic and political features of the study area.Nader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abou Dagher, Manale 
2012Prioritising coastal zone management issues through fuzzy cognitive mapping approachMeliadou, Aleka; Santoro, Francesca; Nader, Manal ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abi Salloum, Bachir
2017Purse seine fisheries: baseline reportNader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abou Dagher, Manale