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Title: A comparative in vitro study of the effect of secretome derived from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells versus cisplatin chemotherapy on ovarian cancer cell line
Authors: Mitaweh, Aya
Advisors: Haddad, Lara
Keywords: Ovarian cancer, umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells derived secretome, SKOV3, cisplatin
Subjects: University of Balamand--Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: [Kalhat, Lebanon] : [University of Balamand], 2024
Ovarian cancer is a highly malignant gynecological cancer that mostly originates from
surface epithelium of ovaries. A major drawback is resistance and recurrence to standard
treatment, such as Cisplatin. Secretome, known as (conditioned media), derived from
mesenchymal stem cells, is a set of factors secreted into the extracellular space and is
proposed as a novel anti-tumor agent. Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells derived
secretome have demonstrated both pro-and anti-tumor effect. In this research, a series of
assays will be employed to explore the effect of umbilical cord derived secretome on SKOV3
ovarian cancer cell line compared to cisplatin. MTT assay to assess proliferation, ELISA for
tumor markers (CA-125 and β-hCG) and, RT-qPCR for the expression of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10
and MMP-9.
Our findings demonstrated discrepancy in the results, secretome decreased proliferation, IL 6, IL-10, CA-125, β-hCG expression and increased MMP-9 and IL-8 expression compared to
cisplatin. More scientific investigations are needed to propose secretome as a sensitization
treatment against ovarian cancer
Includes bibliographical references (p. 44-71)
Rights: This object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holder
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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