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Title: An interactive reading of "اريد ان ارى جيدا" : a children's story written in Arabic
Authors: Mikati, Randa
Advisors: Nicolas, Elyse
Subjects: University of Balamand--Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: [Kalhat, Lebanon] : [University of Balamand], 2013
This project involves the development of an iPad application that transforms an Arabic paper story into an interactive digital story followed by interactive exercises using Reader Response Theory. The story entitled "أريد ان أرى جيدا"", which translates into "I want to see well" is written by Dr. Najla Bashour in 2010. This story is part of a six story series dealing with the topic of children's rights. The main characters of the series are Hoda and Tarek, a sister and her brother, whose mother is a doctor and father is a lawyer. In each story, they meet other children whose rights are being violated. In this story, Hoda and Tarek travel to meet children who are working in a carpet factory under cruel circumstances. The children at the carpet factory face maltreatment and neglect. They are deprived from going to school and they work in a harmful and unhealthy environment. Reader Response Theory and the revised bloom taxonomy are the educational theories underpinning the development of this project.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 41)
Rights: This object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holder
Type: Project
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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