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Title: Myths and Realities in Muslim Alterist Discourse: Arab Travellers in Europe in the Age of the Nahda (19th c.)
Other Titles: الخرافات والوقائع في التفهم الإسلامي لمنهج الغير: الرحالة العرب في عهد النهضة (القرن التاسع عشر)
Authors: Newman, Daniel
Keywords: Muslim Alterist Discourse
Arab Travellers
Arab Travelers
Age Nahda
19th Century
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: University of Balamand
Part of: Chronos
Issue: 6
Start page: 7
End page: 76
When the French vessel La Truite docked in Alexandria on a sunny day in March 1826, its master was unaware of the changes that were afoot in Egypt and, more importantly, of the minor, yet instrumental part he would have in them. At the end of his brief stay in the country, its Rumelian-born ruler, Muhammad ' Alî, asked him to take some passengers back to France. Among them was a young man, who would go on to play a crucial role in the intellectual life of his native country. His name was Rifâ'a Râfi' al-Tahtâwî.
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Chronos

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