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Title: The House of God: The Orthodox Church in the Middle East and the Environment
Authors: Nassif, Bassam A. 
Affiliations: Institute of Theology 
Keywords: Orthodox Theology
Sustainable development
Orthodox Church
Middle East Christianity
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Regnum Books International
Part of: International Handbook on Creation Care and Eco-Diakonia: Concepts and Perspectives from the Churches of the Global South
Start page: 341
End page: 346
In the twentieth century, the Middle Eastern countries became a site of political, ethnic, and religious wars, ravaging not only human beings but also the natural habitat. Being one of the largest legal owners of land in the Middle East, the Orthodox Church carries Her stewardship mission, since she believes that this work maintains peace in the oikos between human beings and the rest of God’s creation. Although her work is unknown to many, the Church continues to faithfully carry her mission, by word and deed. The property under Her care became reserves to protect biodiversity in Lebanon and Syria. This article surveys the environmental advocacy taken by the hierarchs, theologians, organizations, and parishes of the Orthodox Church in order to preserve the Church’s large lands of forests and other natural habitats and remain faithful to Church’s mission of stewardship and expand Her engagement in environmental advocacy and ecological sustainability.
ISBN: 978-1-914454-60-8
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Book Chapter
Appears in Collections:Institute of Theology

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