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Title: Integrating Complementary and Traditional Practices in Middle-Eastern Supportive Cancer Care
Authors: Ben-Arye, Eran
Samuels, Noah
Daher, Michel
Turker, Ibrahim
Nimri, Omar
Rassouli, Maryam
Silbermann, Michael
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine 
Keywords: Cancer
Herbel therapy
Medical oncology
Herbal medicine
Middle east
Knowledge acquisition
Pelliatice care
National cancer institute
Health-related beliefs
Clinical research
Issue Date: 2017
Part of: Journal of the National Cancer Institute - Monographs
Volume: 2017
Issue: 52
Start page: 11
End page: 14
The Middle East is a promising arena in which researchers can explore the interchange between cross-cultural traditional medicine and supportive cancer care, as provided within an integrative oncology setting. Integrative oncology research and clinical practice in this part of the world have been focusing, for the most part, on the use of herbal medicine and mind-body-spiritual modalities, both of which are deeply rooted in traditional medical care. A regional, multinational, and interdisciplinary collaboration is currently being undertaken as part of the academic activities of the Middle-East Research Group in Integrative Oncology (MERGIO). This group is part of the Middle-East Cancer Consortium, a body supported by the National Cancer Institute. MERGIO currently facilitates a number of innovative educational, basic science, and clinical research projects that are investigating the effectiveness and safety of traditional herbal remedies. In order to create a structured, pragmatic "bedside-to-bench" and subsequent "back-to-bedside" approach, MERGIO has designed a patient-tailored integrative oncology model of supportive-palliative care. This approach addresses both patients' individual health belief models and the larger social-cultural-religious context, as defined by the health-related values of the patient's community.
ISSN: 10526773
DOI: 10.1093/jncimonographs/lgx016
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine

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