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Title: Water quality assessment of Ostuene and Arka rivers
Other Titles: Water quality assessment of Ostuene & Arka rivers
Authors: Tohme, Souha
Advisors: Hoz, Mervat El
Attieh, Jihad 
Subjects: Water quality biological assessment--Arka River--Akkar (Lebanon)
Water quality biological assessment--Ostuene River--Akkar (Lebanon)
Issue Date: 2011
Environmental pollution is a major global concern. When sources of water pollution are enumerated, agriculture is listed as a major contributor. As governments make efforts to correct abuses to their water resources, there is a need to determine the causes of water quality degradation and to quantify pollution contributions from many sources. Existing knowledge indicates that agricultural operations can contribute to water quality deterioration through the release of several materials into water, such as sediments, pesticides, animal manures, fertilizers and other sources of inorganic and organic matter. Many of these pollutants reach surface and groundwater resources through widespread runoff and percolation and, hence, are called "non-point" sources of pollution. Identification, quantification and control of non-point pollution remain relatively difficult tasks as compared to those of "point" sources of pollution. In addition, continuous use of chemicals such as pesticides has resulted in harmful effects to the environment, caused human illness, and impacted negatively the agricultural production and its sustainability. This study assesses and examines the impact of agricultural use and anthropogenic activities on the spatial variation in water quality of Estouene River and Arka River in Akkar Governorate situated at the North of Lebanon. Water samples were collected twice on a monthly basis from various stations ranging from the source to the mouth of the Estouene and Arka Rivers and analyzed for selected physical and chemical water quality parameters using standard analytical methods. The samples were analyzed also for the presence of the most widely used pesticides by the farmers in the study area. Sewage contamination was mostly observed along with the abusive use of fertilizers as the river flow went downward. There was no notice of pesticide traces in both rivers. Findings of this study can be used to design measures for mitigating and monitoring environmental impacts arising from agricultural and other anthropogenic activities within the two studied rivers. The study recommends a management program and awareness campaign to address the multiple environmental issues within the two basins.
Includes bibliographical references (p.89-94).

Supervised by Dr. Mervat El Hoz and Dr. Jihad Attieh.
Rights: This object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holder
Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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