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Title: Design of the inner road (between Batroumine and Fih)
Other Titles: Design of the inner road (between Batroumine & Fih)
Authors: Zein, Khaled El
Abdallah, Walid
Advisors: Gerges, Najib N. 
Subjects: Roads--Design and construction--Lebanon--Case studies
Issue Date: 2013
The designer of highway must have a high level of professional in civil engineering subjects such as pavement design, soil mechanics, structural design and land surveying. The engineer of highway design is concerned primarily with the geometric layout of the road, its pavement material, cross section, traffic control devices, and roadway thickness. The important side of the highway designers work is to build the standards that have relation the geometric characteristics of the road to the speed of the vehicle. This project is about the design of the inner road between Fih and Batroumine, that consists of a two-lane, two-way, divided roadway, local rural by using the software Autodesk land desktop. Land Development Solutions suite contains: 1. The Autodesk Land Desktop 2009. 2. The Autodesk Survey 2009. 3. The Autodesk Civil Design 2009. Autodesk Land Desktop 2009: It determines a base level of functionality that gives the needs of anyone in the process of land development, that include surveyors, land planners, drafters, civil engineers, and everyone who creating the supporting documents. Autodesk Survey 2009: An addition on to Autodesk Land Desktop that determines a streamlined ability to communicate survey data from and to the field. Autodesk Civil Design 2009: An addition on to Autodesk Land Desktop that determines site engineer tools and transportation, hydraulics and hydrology analysis and design.
Supervised by Dr. Najib Gerges.
Rights: This object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holder
Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Project
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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