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Title: Jal El-Deeb interchange design
Authors: Ayache, Naji Al
Houssein, Khaled
Advisors: Omran, Mazen Nazem
Subjects: Roads--Jal El-Deeb (Lebanon)--Interchanges and intersections--Design and construction
Issue Date: 2015
Jal El-Deeb bridge was a key interchange providing connectivity between Jal ElDeeb and the coastal highway. The bridge was located on the north bound part of the highway. This bridge was dedicated for the through move. Vehicles on the north bound wanting to turn right used to take service road that was located on the right hand side of the bridge. The bridge was removed due to lack of maintenance and it was not replaced by anything. The movement between the south bound of the coastal highway and Jal El-Deeb is not directly possible. Vehicles will have to take alternative longer routes. The government promised to come out with an alternative for Jal El-Deeb interchange but nothing has been done so far. Our MSc project consists of delivering geometric design of grade separated interchange for Jal El-Deeb access. A diamond interchange was chosen and it consists of four ramps and a grade separated bridge crossing the coastal highway. The ramps provide connections between the coastal highway and the bridge. The project consists of a Geometric design of the ramp and the bridge based on AASHTO. And a design of the connections between the coastal road and the diamond interchange.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 55).

Supervised by Dr. Mazen Omran.
Rights: This object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holder
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Type: Project
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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