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Title: Productivity and cost estimation of HOLCIM concrete batch plant
Other Titles: Productivity & cost estimation of HOLCIM concrete batch plant
Authors: Ojaimi, Alain
Issa, Joelle
Advisors: Gerges, Najib N. 
Subjects: Ready-mixed--Concrete industry--Lebanon
Concrete plants--Lebanon
Issue Date: 2015
A concrete batch plant is a device that aims in mixing different constituents to form concrete before delivering it to the construction site. Some of the constituents may include sand, aggregate, water, fly ash, cement etc{acute}{80}{OElig}Analyzing and estimating the productivity and the cost in a concrete batch plant plays a crucial role in the management operation. This project examines the productivity and the cost of HOLCIM concrete batch plant. The productivity is calculated by using the deterministic general production equation. The Cost is also calculated by using a general equation. Both aspects, the productivity and cost of concrete batch plant, are applied to Kafarshyma and Nahr el mot HOLCIM batch plants in Lebanon. By using the deterministic general model, the productivity for Kafarshyma batch plant was found to be 78.8 {cedil}{9D}{91}{9A}3 / hr, whereas Nahr el Mot batch plant was found to be 54 {cedil}{9D}{91}{9A}3 /hr. The Cost Estimation for Kafarshyma Batch plant per month at a concrete strength of 15MPA was found to be 67 {dollar}/{cedil}{9D}{91}{9A}3 . Various graphs and charts are plotted for the truck cycle time with respect to the optimum productivity and the cost estimation. Hence, the reason of this project is to study the productivity of a concrete batch plant as well as its cost.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 60-61).

Supervised by Dr. Najib Gerges.
Rights: This object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holder
Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Project
Appears in Collections:UOB Theses and Projects

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