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Title: The thyroidea ima artery revisited
Authors: Saadeh, Faysal A.
Hawi, Jihad 
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine 
Keywords: Thyroidea ima
Thyroid Gland
Anatomic variation
Issue Date: 2003
Part of: American journal of case reports
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Start page: 1
End page: 3
Background: The thyroidea ima artery is an inconstant vessel with a highly variable rate of occurrence and origin. Its course in the superior mediastinum and lower neck is hazardous in median surgical approaches to these areas.Case Report: A thyroidea ima artery was discovered during dissection of an embalmed male cadaver. It arose from the brachiocephalic artery immediately proximal to its bifurcation. It ran deep to the infrathyroid muscles, giving off thymic branches, then supplying the anterior surface of the left lobe of the thyroid gland by means of two branches. Conclusions: This case report and literature review highlight the importance of the possible presence of a thyroidea ima artery in relation to its occurrence, position, and course.
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine

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