Browsing by Subject Parenting

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Oct-2024Father-separation and well-being in forcibly displaced Syrian childrenEltanamly, H; May, A; McEwen, F; Karam, ELie G; Pluess, Michael
2010Predictors of coping in parents of children with an intellectual disability: comparison between Lebanese mothers and fathersAzar, Mathilde ; Badr, Lina Kurdahi
Jan-2023Supporting parenting among Syrian refugees in Lebanon: a randomized controlled trial of the caregiver support interventionMiller, Kenneth E; Chen, Alexandra; Koppenol-Gonzalez, Gabriela V; Bakolis, Ioannis; Arnous, Maguy; Tossyeh, Fadila; El Hassan, Ahmad; Saleh, Ahmad; Saade, Joy; Nahas, Nayla G. ; Abboud, Marianne; Jawad, Lya; Jordans, Mark J D