Browsing by Subject University of Balamand--Dissertations

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Showing results 24 to 43 of 674 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Aspen Plus simulation and life cycle assessment of hospital wastewater treatment using membrane bioreactors techniqueMjalled, Alaa
2020Assesment [sic] Assessment of process parameters on pellets' quality using different raw materialsAbou Haidar, Ayla
2019Assessing environmental benefits of urban forests and associated economic values of carbon dioxide reduction in te Mohafazat of BeirutAbou Zeid, Farah
2023Assessing nutrition and non-communicable disease care at international medical corps supported primary healthcare centers in LebanonKhazem, Fatima Alzahraa
2024Assessing sustainability performance in leading retail giants : a comparative analysisDib, Omayma Ali
2021Assessing the 36 questions as an intervention tool for enhancing interpersonal closeness between young couples residing in LebanonAlameddine, Rami
2022Assessing the impact of nutrition education on antenatal nutrition knowledge of women in Lebanon : an interventional studyHajj Chehade, Christina Al
2023Assessing the occupational hazards in a perfume trading companyHelmi, Najia
2020Assessing urban storm water and treating its pollutants through a new green technology systemDaher, Nour El Houda
2024Assessment and enhancement of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices at CITCO : confectionery industry and trading companyRifai, Maya
2021An assessment and enhancement of the interaction of multiple human factors in exacerbating human performance in air traffic controlKartabani, Toni
2018Assessment of bond strengths of underwater polymer-modified concreteMansour, Jimmy; Lattouf, Najib
2022Assessment of runoff water quality from green roofsFarah, Georgio
2019Assessment of the effect of various fibers types in bulletproof concreteNasr, Rita; Khawand, Theresia
2021Assessment of the immunomodulatory effects of heat-killed Mycobacterium aurum on THP-1 monocyte to macrophage differentiation and on THP-1 macrophage polarizationOsman, Rima
2023Assessment of the in vitro differential immunomodulatory effects of heat-killed Mycobacterium aurum, muramyl dipeptide, and lipopolysaccharide on thp-1 monocytes and thp-1-derived m0-macrophagesAbbas, Esraa
2023Assessment of the mechanical behavior of different geopolymers via numerical methodsMassoud, Elio
2022Assessment of the sustainability of buildings in LebanonMouawad, Francois
2023The association between alexithymia and somatization in the Lebanese population, and their correlation with different sociodemographic variablesChaaya, Roni
2024The association between attachment representation and psychological dating violence among a sample of Lebanese young adultsHaykal, Rebecca