Browsing by Author Serhan, Mireille

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Showing results 49 to 61 of 61 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Physicochemical quality of extra virgin olive oils produced in North Lebanon-influence of extraction system and production areaChami, Jessica El
2015Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of concentrated yogurt (Labneh) made of goats' milk, cows' milk and their mixtureSerhan, Mireille ; Mattar, Jessy
2015Probiotic effect of lebanese darfiyeh cheese: a randomized case control prospective study in the elderlySaber, Toufic; Irani, Jihad; Afif, Claude; Bassil, Nazem; Estephane, Elie; Serhan, Mireille ; Bassil, Marcel
2016Production technology and characterization of yoghurts from plants milk: comparison between physicochemical, microbiological and sensory attributes of almond milk versus soy milk-based yoghurtsSerhan, Mireille ; Karam, J.
2014Sensory profiling and hedonic judgment of halawat el jibn (a Lebanese cheese based pastry) filled with different ice cream flavors-innovation in traditional oriental sweets.Serhan, Mireille ; Hallab, Rami
1-Aug-2023Sports nutrition knowledge translates to enhanced athletic performance: a cross-sectional study among Lebanese university athletesSerhan, Mireille ; Yakan, Mira; Serhan, Carole 
2015Standardization of production of non-dairy yogurts from soy milk and almonds milkKaram, Joanne Maroun
2018Storage stability and shelf life of whey-apple beverageFidawi, Noura Ibrahim Al
2018Tetracycline and penicillin residues in Lebanese raw cow milkFrangieh, Vanessa
2021Tracking of enrofloxacin antibiotic in the making of common middle eastern cheesesHassan, Hussein F.; Haddad, Rita; Saidy, Liz; Hosri, Chadi; Asmar, Shady; Serhan, Mireille 
2015Transfer across goatskin barrier of 2-butanone, 2,3-butanedione and 2-butanol during maturation of traditional Lebanese cheese, Darfiyeh : Comparison between experimental aqueous model solution and goatskin systemSerhan, Mireille ; Arab -Tehranyb, Elmira; Linder, Michel; Hosri, Chadi; Fanni, Jacques
23-Aug-2024Unveiling food safety knowledge and practices among pet owners in LebanonHassan, Hussein F; Dimassi, Hani; Fadous, Andrea; Abou Alayoui, Khalil; Hteit, Rasha; Khatib, Sami; Hassan, Hadi; Serhan, Mireille 
2017Utilization whey in production of functional healthy beverage "whey-apple beverages"Frangieh, Joe Sleiman