Browsing by Author Nachar, Rabih

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Showing results 41 to 48 of 48 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Relationship between mammographic density and breast cancer death in the Breast Cancer Surveillance ConsortiumGierach, Gretchen L.; Ichikawa, Laura.; Kerlikowske, Karla.; Brinton, Louise A.; Farhat, Ghada N.; Vacek, Pamela M.; Weaver, Donald L.; Schairer, Catherine; Taplin, Stephen H.; Sherman, Mark E.
2015Resilience at the municipal and communal level - the significance of trust and cooperation in environmental management: a case study of al Fayhaa UnionAbbas, Nivine H. 
2011Sex hormone levels and risks of estrogen receptor-negative and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancersFarhat, Ghada N.; Cummings, Steven R.; Chlebowski, Rowan T.; Parimi, Neeta; Cauley, Jane A; Rohan, Thomas E.; Huang, Alison J.; Vitolins, Mara; Hubbell, F. Allan
28-Sep-2022Telebehavioral Health: The BasicsVogt, Emily; Whaibeh, Emile 
2014Trust and cooperation relations in environmental management of LebanonAbbas, Nivine H. ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Nader, Manal ; Lovett, Jon C.
1-Feb-2023Ubiquitin-Related Modifier 1 (URM-1) Modulates Cx43 in Breast Cancer Cell LinesEl-Hajjar, Layal; Saliba, Jessica ; Karam, Mario; Shaito, Abdullah; El Hajj, Hiba; El-Sabban, Marwan
2024Volunteering, the New Wealth of Students: The Importance of Skilled Volunteering in Educational SettingsAbbas, Nivine H. ; Salma, Farah; Abou Dahesh, Abedulrahman; Yacout, Malak
2021"واقع الصّحة النفسيّة لدى المعلّمين في ظلّ جائحة كوفيد-19 والتعليم عن بُعد"Abbas, Nivine H.