Browsing by Author Harb, Joann

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Showing results 81 to 100 of 183 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Hip bone strength indices in overweight and control adolescent boysHage, Rawad El ; Theunynck, Denis; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Baddoura, Rafic; Kamlé, Pierre; Hage, Zaher El
5-Dec-2024Immune inflammation markers and physical fitness during a congested match play period in elite male soccer playersSaidi, Karim; Abderrahman, Abderraouf Ben; Laher, Ismail; Hackney, Anthony C; Hage, Rawad El ; Saeidi, Ayoub; Bideau, Benoit; Granacher, Urs; Zouhal, Hassane
Sep-2022The Impact of Sport-discipline and Sex on Physical Fitness and Bone Markers in AthletesNebigh, Ammar; Touhami, Imed; Chtara, Mokhtar; Govindasamy, Karuppasamy; Surech, Chandrababu; Hage, Rawad El ; Saeidi, Ayoub; Boullosa, Daniel; Clark, Cain C T; Granacher, Urs; Zouhal, Hassane
2010Indice de masse corporelle et ultrasonographie quantitative osseuse des phalanges chez des adolescentes libanaises régléesHage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Jaffré, Christelle
2011Influence de la surcharge pondérale sur la densité osseuse apparente chez des adolescentes libanaisesHage, Rawad El ; Moussa, Elie ; Jacob, Christophe 
2015Influence de la surcharge pondérale sur le score trabéculaire osseux chez des jeunes femmesKhoury, Georges El ; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Zouhal, Hassane; Alwan Nassereddine, Abir; Zakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El 
2017Influence du niveau d'activité physique sur les paramètres osseux chez des jeunes hommes en surcharge pondéraleKhoury, Georges El ; Zouhal, Hassane; El khoury , Cézar; Jacob, Christophe ; Cabagno, Genevieve; Maalouf, Ghassan; Khawaja, Anthony; Hage, Rawad El 
2009Influence du statut pondéral sur le contenu minéral osseux et la densité minérale osseuse chez des adolescentes libanaisesHage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Groussard, Carole; Pineau, Jean-Claude; Benhamou, Claude-Laurant; Jaffré, Christelle
2015Influence du statut pondéral sur le trabéculaire bone score chez des jeunes hommesAyoub, Marie-Louise; Khoury, César El; Zakhem, Eddy ; Pinti, Antonio; Lespessailles, Eric; Toumi, Hechmi; Cortet, Bernard; Hage, Rawad El 
2013Influence du type de pratique sportive sur les caractéristiques ultrasonographiques des phalanges chez des jeunes hommes adultesHage, Rawad El 
2013The influence of a 6-month physical training program on body composition, bone mineral density, hip bone geometry and markers of bone remodeling in a group of obese childrenHage, Rawad El ; Rocher, Emilie; Chappard, Christine; Benhamou, Claude-Laurant
2011Influence of age and morphological characteristics on whole body, lumbar spine, femoral neck and 1/3 radius bone mineral apparent density in a group of Lebanese adolescent boysHage, Rawad El ; Moussa, Elie ; Hage, Zaher El; Theunynck, Denis; Jacob, Christophe 
2014Influence of age, morphological characteristics, and lumbar spine bone mineral density on lumbar spine trabecular bone score in lebanese womenHage, Rawad El ; Khairallah, Walid; Bachour, Falah; Issa, Majed; Eid, Roy; Fayad, Fouad; Yared , Christine; Zakhem, Eddy ; Gemma, Adib; Maalouf, Ghassan
2011Influence of being overweight on bone mineral apparent density in a group of Lebanese adolescent girlsHage, Rawad El ; Moussa, Elie ; Jacob, Christophe 
2007Influence of exercise intensity on time spent at high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake during an intermittent session in young endurance-trained athleteThevenet, Delphine; Tardieu, Magaly; Zouhal, Hassane; Jacob, Christophe ; Abderrahman, Ben Abderraouf; Prioux, Jacques
2006Influence of menstrual cycle phase on catecholamine response to sprint exercise in the womanBotcazou, Maïtel; Delamarche, Arlette Gratas; Allain, Stéphanie; Jacob, Christophe ; Ferrer, Danièle Bentué; Delamarche, Paul; Zouhal, Hassane
2014The influence of obesity and overweight on hip bone mineral density in lebanese womenHage, Rawad El ; Bachour, Falah; Khairallah, Walid; Bedran, Farid; Maalouf, Naim; Zakhem, Eddy ; Issa, Majed; Gemma, Adib; Maalouf, Ghassan
2020Influence of physical activity level on composite indices of femoral neck strength in a group of young overweight menZakhem, Eddy ; Sabbagh, Patchina; Ghanem, Aline; Khoury, César El; Khoury, Georges El ; Zunquin, Gautier; Baquet, Georges; Hage, Rawad El 
2020Influence of sarcopenia on bone health parameters in a group of elderly lebanese menAntoun, Amal; Saddick, Hayman; Pinti, Antonio; Nasr, Riad; Watelain, Eric; Lespessailles, Eric; Toumi, Hechmi; Hage, Rawad El 
2020Influence of sarcopenia on bone health parameters in a group of eumenorrheic obese premenopausal womenHammoud, Emneh; Toumi, Hechmi; Jacob, Christophe ; Pinti, Antonio; Lespessailles, Eric; Hage, Rawad El