Browsing by Author Ayuch, Daniel Alberto

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 82  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201131-19 :التعليم في العمل الاجتماعي في عظات الذهبي الفم الأربع على لو 16عيوش, دانيال البرتو 
2013(96) Theological reflection on the relationship of scripture and tradition as an example of ecumenical learningAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2016Bibelwissenschaft in der orthodoxen kirche. Erfahrungen und herausforderungen aus dem antiochenischen kontextAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2012The book of joshua and the gospels. intertextuality of narrative and macronarrative patternsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2018Book review: Paul Nadim Tarazi. The rise of scripture. St. PaulAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2017Book review: Sakari Häkkinen. The gospel of the poorAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2012The canon for the feast of the prophet Elijah and its relation to 1-2 Kings: biblical narrative and its liturgical interpretationAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2023The Care of the Suffering in Luke-ActsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2015The centurion and the widow (Luke 7:1-17) lucan narrative and the liberation of man from slavery and povertyAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2018Children's biblical literature in dialog : a narrative analysis and critical study of the children's bible reader and its messageAbouid, Joseph Hector
2019Christians and power: according to the Luke-acts diptychAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2007Chrysostom's Unveiling of a New Ethos : The Social-Action Teaching in His Four Sermons on Luke 16:19-31Ayuch, Daniel Alberto 
2011Church fathers and biblical hermeneuticsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2013El pueblo de Dios según Romanos 9-11: Un acercamiento cristiano oriental a la identidad del olivo amado de DiosAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2014El Quds de los hermanos Rahbani y la Jerusalen BíblicaAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
Sep-2024From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-ActsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
Jul-2024The Gospel of Luke’s Narrative. Its Main Features and FoundationsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2021A Historic-Critical Reading of the Women Books in the Old Testament: Ruth, Esther, and JudithAyuch, Daniel 
2023The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2:29-32. Its Narrative Context and TheologyAyuch, Daniel 
2012Inspiration in the bible: an orthodox perspectiveAyuch, Daniel Alberto