Browsing by Author Daba, Jihad S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 111  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Advanced stochastic models for partially developed speckleDaba, Jihad S. ; Jreije, Philip
2006Analysis of wireless MIMO : a physical layer system's approachFreiha, Georges; Bsaibes, Nizar
2020Application of a facial and palmprint based multimodal biometric systemKamel, Antoine
2023An application of field trips planning optimization : a humanitarian contextSamarji, Tarek
2007Applying UWB technology to RFIDMaraach, Rabih; Salloum, Wassim
2018Artificial intelligence for intrusion detection systemElias, Joseph
2024Assessing sustainability performance in leading retail giants : a comparative analysisDib, Omayma Ali
2006Automated control using internet technologyNasser, Madian; Khoder, Hassan
26-Jan-2023Automatic SQL to HQL-NoSQL Querying using PostgreSQL and Integrated Hive-HBaseSaada, Ouday; Daba, Jihad S. 
2018Ber performance and channel efficiency in massive MIMO systemsSoury, Georges El
2007Burstiness reduction of a boubly stochastic AR-modeled uniform activity VBR videoDaba, Jihad S. 
2009Channel estimation and diversity signal combining over SIMO channelsKhalil, Antonio; Nafache, Maher
2022Combination of the modified TOPSIS and ITARA in housing assistance and building assessmentsKazzni, Hady
2013Communications over powerlinesDandachi, Alaa; Hayek, Tony
2004Compression schemes for telemedicine applicationsYaacoub, Nidaa; Kassouf, Hisham
2002Congestion control mechanism of ATM traffic using leaky bucket VP shapingDaba, Jihad S. 
2008Cost-optimized SSB transmitter with high frequency atability and selectivityDaba, Jihad S. 
2016Deployment of a low-cost efficient wireless network in rural areasAbboud, Abboudi
2013Design and implementation of a sun tracking systemDaher, Ayman; Mohammad, Ahmad
2007Detection of ultrasonic images in the presence of a random number of scatterers : a statistical learning approachDaba, Jihad S. ; Abdullatif, O.M