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Title: Το Μυστήριο του Γάμου εν Μέσω Αποδόμησης
Authors: Nassif, Bassam A. 
Affiliations: Institute of Theology 
Translators: Vassiliki Nikolaidou
Keywords: Marriage
Orthodox Church
St John Chrysostom
Issue Date: 2024-11-01
Publisher: Holy Great Monastery of Vatopedi, Greece
Project : PhD Dissertation in St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand
Maintaining the axiom that postmodernism is in direct relation to Christianity, this study begins with the investigation of relevant postmodern epistemologies. Specifically, it analyzes the points in the development of epistemic thought and the impact on social life, love, gender, and free will, leading to the new postmodern family structures. Since marriage is fundamentally an anthropological issue, further research is conducted on the theological developments and anthropological topics related to marriage. Drawing from the timeless sayings of Saint John Chrysostom, the present study reevaluates the application of elements concerning marriage within a postmodern world, while nurturing the timeless Christian view of marriage as the mystery of love in Christ, and of the family as a 'little church'.
ISBN: 978-618-226-035-7
Type: Book
Appears in Collections:Institute of Theology

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