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Title: The Impact of Sport-discipline and Sex on Physical Fitness and Bone Markers in Athletes
Authors: Nebigh, Ammar
Touhami, Imed
Chtara, Mokhtar
Govindasamy, Karuppasamy
Surech, Chandrababu
Hage, Rawad El 
Saeidi, Ayoub
Boullosa, Daniel
Clark, Cain C T
Granacher, Urs
Zouhal, Hassane
Affiliations: Department of Physical Education 
Keywords: Aerobic
Bone markers
Gender differences
Physical parameters
Issue Date: 2022-09
Part of: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Volume: 44
Issue: 10
Start page: 736
End page: 743
This study was performed to determine the impact of sex and sport-discipline on physical fitness and bone markers in young sub-elite track and field athletes. One hundred and forty-four track and field sub-elite athletes (78 males aged 17.8±1.6 years; 66 females aged 17.2±1.9 years) volunteered to participate in this study and were categorized according to their disciplines in endurance (EG: n=67) or power athletes (PG: n=77). A significant main effect of sex was observed for C-telopeptide type I collagen (CTx) (F=11.37; p<0.001; η2=0.10, moderate), for osteocalcin (OC) (F=8.58; p<0.004; η2=0.09, moderate) and for N-terminal propeptide of procollagen type I (PINP) (F=7.96; p<0.05; η2=0.07, moderate). The average CTx, OC and P1NP levels were significantly higher in males compared with females (0.05
ISSN: 01724622
DOI: 10.1055/a-2038-3040
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Department of Physical Education

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