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Title: Table Sugar as a Bridge from Emergency to Elective Perineal Proctosigmoidectomy for Incarcerated Rectal Prolapse
Authors: Kyriakos Saad, Melissa
Saikaly, Elias
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine 
Faculty of Medicine 
Keywords: Perineal approach
Rectal prolapse
Table sugar
Issue Date: 2022-03-15
Part of: Dubai Medical Journal
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Start page: 66
End page: 69
Incarcerated rectal prolapse is a rare pathology and is considered an emergency, using table sugar can shift the emergency surgery to an elective one. If left untreated, rectal prolapse may present as an emergency, be it incarceration or strangulation. In an emergency presentation for incarcerated rectal prolapse every attempt should be taken to reduce the prolapsed rectum, if not successful, emergency surgery is indicated, with perineal approach being the first choice in elderly with multiple comorbidities.
DOI: 10.1159/000520605
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine

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